Thursday, 19 January 2017

Exponential Moving Average Mysql

Glossar der Inventory Management und Lager Betrieb Bedingungen Alle Definitionen von Dave Piasecki Unten sind einige der Begriffe, Akronyme und Abkürzungen können Sie auf dieser Website und andere über das Internet im Zusammenhang mit Inventar-Operationen laufen. Die Definitionen basieren auf meinem Verständnis der Begriffe und können von anderen Meinungen abweichen. Wenn Sie mit einer Definition nicht einverstanden sind oder zusätzliche Definitionen haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an emailinventoryops. Kopie des Urheberrechts. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. 2-Wege-Palette Siehe Palette 3PL Drittanbieter-Logistik (siehe separate Aufstellung) 4-fach Palette Siehe Palette Die kalkulatorische Kalkulation bezieht sich in der Regel auf die Kalkulationsmethode, die die Gemeinkosten in spezifische Aktivitäten (Kostentreiber) zerlegt, um die Kosten genauer zu verteilen Produktkalkulation. Wurde auch auf Kunden-und Vendor-Management angewendet. ABC-Schichtungsmethode, die verwendet wird, um das Inventar in Gruppen basierend auf bestimmten Aktivitätseigenschaften zu kategorisieren. Beispiele von ABC-Stratifikationen würden ABC durch Geschwindigkeit (mal verkauft), ABC durch Verkaufsdollar, ABC durch Menge verkauften verbraucht, ABC durch durchschnittliche Bestandsinvestitionen, ABC nach Margin umfassen. ABC-Stratifikationen werden verwendet, um Inventarplanungsrichtlinien zu entwickeln, Zählfrequenzen für die Zykluszählung, Slotinventar für optimierte Kommissionierung und andere Bestandsführungsaktivitäten festzulegen. Englisch: eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUri...0083: EN: HTML Istkostenkostensatzmethode, die in Fertigungsumgebungen verwendet wird, die die tatsächlichen Materialkosten, die Maschinenkosten und die Arbeitskosten anwendet, die für einen bestimmten Arbeitsauftrag zur Berechnung der Fertigungskosten ermittelt wurden. ADC Automatisierte Datenerfassung. Siehe Automatisierte Datenerfassung Erweitertes Planungs - und Planungssoftware-System zur Integration in ERP - und MRP-Systeme zur Verbesserung der kurzfristigen Produktionsplanungs - und Zeitplanungssysteme, die in MRP-Systemen notorisch unzureichend sind. APS-Systeme verfügen über eine umfangreiche Programmierlogik, die es ihnen ermöglicht, effektiver im Umgang mit sich schnell ändernden Kundenanforderungen zu sein. Erweiterte Versandbenachrichtigung Mit fortgeschrittenen Versandbenachrichtigungen (ASN) wird ein Kunde über eine Sendung benachrichtigt. ASNs werden häufig PO-Nummern, SKU-Nummern, Losnummern, Menge, Palette oder Containernummer, Kartonnummer, enthalten. ASNs können papierbasiert sein, jedoch wird eine elektronische Benachrichtigung bevorzugt. Fortschrittliche Versandbenachrichtigungssysteme werden in der Regel mit barcodierter Compliance-Kennzeichnung kombiniert, die es dem Kunden ermöglicht, die Sendung durch den Einsatz von Barcodescannern und automatisierten Datenerfassungssystemen in das Inventar zu übernehmen. AIDC Automatische Identifikation amp Datenerfassung. Siehe Automatisierte Datenerfassung Zuordnungen Zuordnungen in der Bestandsführung beziehen sich auf den tatsächlichen Bedarf, der durch Kundenaufträge oder Arbeitsaufträge gegen eine bestimmte Position angelegt wird. Die Terminologie und die eigentliche Verarbeitung, die Kontierungen steuert, variiert von einem Softwaresystem zu einem anderen. Eine Standardzuteilung ist eine Gesamtmenge der Nachfrage gegen eine bestimmte Position in einer bestimmten Einrichtung, ich habe Standardzuteilungen gehört, die als normale Zuteilungen, weiche Zuteilungen, weiche Mittelbindungen, regelmäßige Zuweisungen bezeichnet werden. Standardzuweisungen geben nicht an, dass bestimmte Einheiten auf bestimmte Aufträge gehen. Bei einer festen Zuweisung handelt es sich um eine Zuweisung auf bestimmte Einheiten innerhalb einer Einrichtung, wie z. B. eine Zuweisung an einen bestimmten Standort, eine Menge oder eine Seriennummer. Feste Zuteilungen werden auch als spezifische Zuweisungen, eingefrorene Zuteilungen, harte Zuteilungen, feste Verpflichtungen, Halten, reservierte Vorräte bezeichnet. Standardzuweisungen zeigen einfach, dass es Nachfrage gibt, während feste Zuweisungen das Inventar für den bestimmten bestimmten Auftrag reservieren oder halten. APS siehe Erweiterte Planungs-und Scheduling-ASN siehe Erweiterte Versandbenachrichtigungen ASRS sehen Automated Storage a Retrieval Systems ASP, Application Service Provider eine Twist in Software-Marketing, in dem die Software-Lizenzen sind Eigentum von der ASP und auf ihrem System wohnen, während der Client die Rechte an Verwenden Sie die Software. Der ASP kann der Softwarehersteller oder ein Dritter sein. Die Vorteile für eine Verwendung eines ASP sind niedrigere Upfront-Kosten, schnellere Implementierungen und die Verringerung der Notwendigkeit für interne IS-Personal und Mainframeserver Hardware. Es ist zu hoffen, dass ASPs ermöglichen kleinen bis mittelständischen Unternehmen einen größeren Zugang zu Technologie als bisher verfügbar war. In letzter Zeit haben sich die Begriffe SaaSS (Software as a Service) und On-Demand Software zur Beschreibung dieses Szenarios (Software as a Service) und On-Demand Software entwickelt, um dieses Szenario zu beschreiben. Autodiskriminierung der Funktionalität eines Barcodelesers zur Erkennung der gescannten Barcode-Symbologie, so dass ein Leser mehrere gescannte Daten lesen kann, so dass ein Leser mehrere verschiedene Symbologiefolgen lesen kann. Lesen Sie meinen Artikel aufeinanderfolgend. Lesen Sie meinen Artikel ADC-Grundlagen Automatisierte Datenerfassungssysteme von Hard - und Software, die zur Verarbeitung von Transaktionen in Lager - und Produktionsstätten verwendet werden. Datenerfassungssysteme können aus festen Endgeräten, tragbaren Endgeräten und Computern, Funkfrequenzanschlüssen (RF) und verschiedenen Arten von Strichcodescannern bestehen. A. k.a. Automatisierte Datenerfassung,) Terminals und verschiedene Arten von Strichcodescannern. A. k.a. Automatisierte Datenerfassung, AIDC, Automatische Identifikation amp Datenerfassung Lesen Sie meinen Artikel, Automatische Identifikation amp Datenerfassung Lesen Sie meinen Artikel ADC Grundlagen. Das Automated Guided Vehicle System (AGVS) beschreibt Systeme von Fahrzeugen, die programmiert werden können, um automatisch zu bestimmten Punkten zu fahren und vorprogrammierte Funktionen auszuführen. Das Leitsystem kann aus einem im Boden, optischen System oder anderen Führungstypen eingebetteten Draht bestehen. Automatisches Führerfahrzeug Mehr Infos on) Mehr Informationen über Automated Equipment PicssPagePage. Automatisierte Lager - und Abfragesysteme ein System von Reihen von Regalen, wobei jede Reihe eine dedizierte Abfrageeinheit aufweist, die sich vertikal und horizontal entlang der Rack-Kommissionierung bewegt und Lasten weglegt. AS-ASRS, ASRS, ASRS und ASR-Last. Weitere Informationen über Automated Equipment Pics Seite. Verfügbar bezieht sich auf den Status des Inventars, da es sich auf seine Fähigkeit, verkauft oder konsumiert bezieht. Zur Bestimmung dieses Zustands werden Verfügbarkeitsberechnungen verwendet. Verfügbarkeitsberechnungen variieren von System zu System, aber im Grunde subtrahieren alle aktuellen Zuweisungen von Holds auf Inventar von der aktuellen On-Hand-Balance. Ein Beispiel für eine Verfügbarkeitsberechnung wäre: Menge Verfügbare Menge On On - Menge On Hold - Zugeordnete Menge Zu Auftrag - Menge Zu Produktionsaufträgen. Verfügbar für Versprechen zur Verfügung zu versprechen nimmt die einfache Verfügbarkeit Berechnung, fügt Zeitphasen und berücksichtigt künftige geplante Einnahmen. Erhältlich für Versprechen kann für jeden Tag berechnet oder aufgeschlüsselt in größere Zeit Buckets. Der erste Zeitraum wird auf der Hand Inventar und fügen Sie alle geplanten Quittungen für diesen Zeitraum. Er wird dann alle vor dem nächsten geplanten Erhalt geplanten Zuteilungen (die in Zukunft mehrere Zeiträume sein können) abziehen. Nachfolgende Perioden ohne geplante Einnahmen haben die gleichen Voraussetzungen wie die Vorperiode. Nachfolgende Perioden mit planmäßigen Einnahmen beginnen grundsätzlich mit einer frischen Kalkulation und ignorieren eventuell vorhandene Restposten aus früheren Perioden. Es gibt viele Variationen über genau, wie verfügbar zu versprechen berechnet wird, und es ist auch wichtig zu beachten, dass verfügbar zu versprechen oft funktioniert unabhängig von Allokation-Systeme. Dies kann manchmal Konflikte verursachen. Siehe auch Verfügbar, Zuordnungen. Durchschnittliche Kosteninventurkalkulationsmethode, die bei jedem Erhalt einen Artikel umrechnet, indem die tatsächlichen Kosten des Empfangs mit den Kosten des aktuellen Inventars gemittelt werden. Backflush-Verfahren zum Ausgeben (Reduzieren von Mengen auf der Hand) zu einem Fertigungsauftrag. Mit Rückspülung wird das Material automatisch ausgegeben, wenn die Produktion gegen eine Operation gebucht wird. Das Rückspülprogramm wird die verarbeitete Menge verwenden, um durch die Stückliste die Mengen der verwendeten Komponenten zu berechnen und um die Menge der Guthaben um diesen Betrag zu reduzieren. Es gibt normalerweise Optionen während des Backflush-Prozesses, um Schrott zu melden. Bei Operationen mit Rückspülung empfiehlt es sich, spezifische Maschinenstellen einzurichten und Materialien, die von den Lagerplätzen an die Maschinenstellen übertragen werden, wenn sie physisch für die Produktion ausgewählt werden. Die Rückmeldung wird dann das Material von den Maschinenstandorten ausgeben. Lesen Sie meinen Artikel über Backflushing. Backhaul-Transportbegriff, der die Aktivität der Abholung, des Transports und der Bereitstellung einer neuen Last auf einer Rückfahrt beschreibt, von der Bereitstellung einer weiteren Ladung (bekannt als Fronthaul, obwohl der Begriff Fronthaul nicht sehr häufig verwendet wird). Nachbestellung einer bestimmten Menge eines bestimmten Artikels, die am geforderten Datum nicht ausgefüllt werden konnte. Batch-Kommissionierung Kommissionierung Methode, wo Bestellungen in kleine Chargen gruppiert werden, wird ein Kommissionierer alle Aufträge innerhalb der Charge in einem Durchlauf zu pflücken. Batch-Kommissionierung ist in der Regel mit Pickern mit mehrstufigen Kommissionierwagen bewegen nach oben und unten Gänge Kommissionierung Chargen von in der Regel 4 bis 12 Aufträge zugeordnet, aber Batch-Kommissionierung ist auch sehr häufig bei der Arbeit mit automatisierten Materialhandhabung Ausrüstung wie Karussells. Siehe auch Zonen-Kommissionierung, Wave-Kommissionierung. Artikel Bestellung Kommissionierung Stückliste listet Materialien (Komponenten oder Zutaten) zur Herstellung eines Artikels. Mehrstufige Stücklisten zeigen auch Baugruppen und deren Komponenten. Weitere Informationen, wie zB Schrottfaktoren, können auch in die Stückliste für die Materialplanung und - kalkulation aufgenommen werden. Blanket Bestellung einer Art von Bestellung, die verpflichtet, eine bestimmte Menge über einen bestimmten Zeitraum zu kaufen verpflichtet, aber nicht unbedingt bestimmte Termine für Sendungen. Blanket Bestellungen werden für die Menge eines Artikels (oder Gruppe von Produkten), die Sie erwarten, über einen längeren Zeitraum (3 Monate, 6 Monate, ein Jahr, etc.) zu kaufen platziert. Eine Blanko-Bestellung kann geschätzte erforderliche Termine für bestimmte Mengen liefern, aber tatsächliche Versendungen, die gegen den ausgeblendeten Auftrag versenden, werden durch getrennte Anfragen des Kunden an den Lieferanten ausgelöst, die spezifischen Mengen und Daten dieser getrennten Anfragen (Freigaben) können oder auch nicht sein Ähnlich den geschätzten Daten und Mengen. Die Bereitstellung eines Deckenauftrags an einen Lieferanten kann die Durchlaufzeiten reduzieren und die Verspätung beim Lieferanten erhöhen und einen größeren Rabatt auf den Kauf bieten. Blanks beschreiben in der Regel diskrete Einheiten (üblicherweise einheitlich bemessene Einheiten), die üblicherweise durch ein Schneidverfahren hergestellt werden, aber noch nicht fertig sind. Wenn zum Beispiel eine Stanzmaschine Stahlbleche in kleine rechteckige Stücke schneidet, die später bearbeitet und gestrichen werden, können die unfertigen rechteckigen Stücke als Rohlinge bezeichnet werden. Stanzteile werden manchmal als Rohlinge bezeichnet, jedoch sind alle Rohlinge nicht notwendigerweise Stanzteile. Siehe auch Stanzen Blind zählt beschreibt die Methode, die in der Zykluszählung und in den physischen Vorräten verwendet wird, in denen Sie Ihre Zähler mit der Artikelnummer und dem Standort, aber keine Mengeninformationen zur Verfügung stellen. Siehe Artikel zur Zykluszählung. Auch check out Mein Buch auf Bestandsgenauigkeit. Blind Versand a. k.a Blind Last, Blind-Drop-Schiff. Bei einem Blindversand handelt es sich um eine Direktlieferung (Drop Shipping), bei der die Quelle des Lieferanten vom Kunden verborgen ist. Siehe auch Direktversand Stückliste siehe Stückliste Bonded Warehouse eine Anlage oder ein dedizierter Teil einer Einrichtung, in der eingeführte Waren gespeichert werden, bevor die Zölle und Steuern bezahlt werden. Diese Einrichtungen werden häufig verwendet, um die Zahlung der Einfuhrgebühren zu verzögern, bis die Produkte tatsächlich verkauft werden (wenn sie physisch die geklebte Anlage verlassen). Dies kann besonders nützlich sein, wenn Produkte gut vor dem Verkauf empfangen werden oder wenn ein Teil des erhaltenen Produktes schließlich zurückgegeben oder verschrottet werden kann (wodurch die Zahlung von Einfuhrgebühren für nicht verkaufte Gegenstände verhindert wird). Gebundene Lager werden von der Regierung lizenziert. Ich glaube, dasselbe Konzept kann auch auf speziell besteuerte inländische Erzeugnisse wie Alkohol und Tabakwaren angewendet werden. Siehe auch FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone) Break-bulk, obwohl es auf inländische Sendungen angewendet werden kann, wird der Begriff Break-Bulk typischerweise verwendet, um Übersee-Sendungen zu beschreiben, wo die Fracht aus kleineren Einheiten (einzelne Kartons, Kisten, Ballen, Taschen, etc.), die einzeln an einem gewissen Punkt im Versandtransportverfahren behandelt werden müssen. Browser-basierte Anwendungen Software entwickelt, um innerhalb eines Web-Browser laufen (d. H. Internet Explorer). Dies ermöglicht es einem Benutzer, auf die Anwendung von jedem Ort aus zuzugreifen, der über einen Internet-Zugang und einen Webbrowser verfügt (keine zusätzliche Software wird auf dem Computer benötigt, der auf die Anwendung zugreift). Lesen Sie meinen Artikel zur Softwareauswahl für weitere Informationen. Die klassische Verwendung des Begriffs Schüttgut (Schüttgut, Schüttgut, Massenlagerung) in der Bestandsführung und Verteilung bezieht sich auf Rohstoffe wie Kohle, Eisenerz, Getreide usw., die in großen Mengen gelagert oder transportiert werden. Dazu gehören auch Schienenfahrzeuge, Tanklastwagen oder Silos mit einem einzigen Material. Allerdings kann dieser Begriff auch eine Vielzahl von anderen Definitionen auf der Grundlage der spezifischen Industrie oder Anlage. Beispielsweise kann sich ein Kleinteile-Kommissioniervorgang auf einen Fall-Speicherbereich als Schüttgut beziehen, während ein Fall-Kommissioniervorgang sich auf den Vollpalettenbereich als Schüttgutbereich beziehen kann. Cantilever Rack-Regalanlage, bei der die Regalstützen mit vertikalen Stützen auf der Rückseite des Regals verbunden sind. Es gibt keine vertikalen Stützen auf der Vorderseite des Gestells, was die Lagerung von sehr langen Materialstücken wie Rohrleitungen und Holz ermöglicht. Siehe auch Racking Pics Seite. Kapazitätsbedarfsplanung zur Bestimmung der Menge der benötigten Maschinen - und Arbeitsressourcen für die Produktion. Karussell-Typ von automatisierten Materialhandhabungsgeräten, die im Allgemeinen für großvolumige Kleinteile-Kommissioniervorgänge verwendet werden. Horizontale Karussells sind eine Version der gleichen Ausrüstung von Chemikalien zum Speichern und Abrufen von Kleidung verwendet. Sie haben Racks hängen von ihnen, die konfiguriert werden können, um verschiedene Größen Lagerplätze unterzubringen. Vertikale Karussells bestehen aus einer Reihe von horizontalen Schalen auf einem vertikalen Karussell. Vertikale Karussells werden häufig in Laboratorien und Spezialitäten eingesetzt. Weitere Informationen über Karussells auf Automated Equipment Pics Seite. Siehe Artikel zur Kommissionierung. Carrying-Kosten auch als Holding-Kosten, tragen Kosten sind die Kosten mit dem Inventar zur Hand verbunden. Sie setzt sich im Wesentlichen aus den mit den Lagerinvestitionen und den Lagerkosten verbundenen Kosten zusammen. Für die Zwecke der EOQ-Berechnungen sollten sich die Kosten nicht auf der Grundlage der vorhandenen Bestände verän - dern. Die Kosten werden als jährliche Kosten pro durchschnittlicher Inventureinheit dargestellt. Siehe Artikel auf EOQ für detailliertere Informationen über die Kosten. Kartonklammer-Hubwagen-Befestigung, die wie eine Papierrollenklemme arbeitet, mit der Ausnahme, dass die Spannfläche flach und nicht kreisförmig ist. Fall beschreibt eine Maßeinheit und die Art und Weise, wie mehrere physikalische Einheiten verpackt sind. Ein Fall wäre typischerweise ein versiegelter Wellkarton, bei dem eine standardisierte Menge (größer als eine) eines bestimmten Artikels verpackt ist. Fallkommissionierung Kommissionierung beschreibt einen Prozess, in dem Fälle für Aufträge ausgewählt werden. Siehe Artikel zur Kommissionierung. Das Gießen beschreibt allgemein ein Rohgut aus Metall, das durch Gießen von geschmolzenem Metall in eine Form hergestellt wird. Ein Gußstück wird später zu einem fertigen oder halbfertigen Gegenstand bearbeitet. Beschreibt auch das Verfahren zur Herstellung von Gussteilen. Fanggewicht verwendet vor allem in der Lebensmittelindustrie für Produkte wie Meeresfrüchte, Fleisch und Käse Fanggewichte beziehen sich auf das tatsächliche Gewicht der variabel-Gewicht Elemente, die Gewicht als Verkaufseinheit verwenden. Fanggewichte werden in der Regel während der Kommissionierung oder des Versandvorgangs erfasst. Systeme, die Fanggewichte verwenden, müssen in der Lage sein, Kundenauftragspositionen korrekt zu verarbeiten, wenn die Fanggewichte innerhalb bestimmter Toleranzen der Auftragsmenge liegen. CCD siehe Charged Coupled Device Chargeback-Rückbuchungen werden immer häufiger in diesen Tagen, da die Kunden mit ihren Vereinbarungen mit Lieferanten spezifischer werden. Eine Rückbelastung ist grundsätzlich eine Geldstrafe gegen einen Lieferanten durch einen Kunden, wenn eine Versendung des Kunden die vereinbarten Bedingungen nicht erfüllt. Beispiele für den Fall, dass die Lieferanten zurückgezahlt werden können, beinhalten späte Lieferungen, fehlende ordnungsgemäße Verpackung und Etikettierung (Compliance Labels), falsche Versandbedingungen (Versand statt Prepaid oder nicht mit dem richtigen Träger oder Konto). Charged gekoppelt Gerät verwendet, um eine Art von Barcode-Scanner, die wie eine kleine Digitalkamera, die ein digitales Bild der Barcode im Gegensatz zu den Standard-Barcode-Scanner, dass ein Laser verwendet wirkt. CCD-Scanner sind eine kostengünstige Option für das Scannen von Barcodes in einem kurzen Abstand (in der Regel innerhalb ein paar Zoll). Leerer Höhenabstand vom Boden bis zum Boden des untersten Hängeobers. Manchmal Makler wird die Entfernung zum Boden der Dachstühle verwenden, um klare Höhe zu berechnen, auch wenn Teile des Gebäudes haben niedrigere freie Höhen durch HVAC-Einheiten oder andere Geräte, die vom Dach aufgehängt haben können. COGS Kosten der verkauften Waren (siehe separate Auflistung) Kühllagerung in der Lagerung, Kühllagerung beschreibt typischerweise die Lagerung von verderblichen Nahrungsmittelprodukten, die eine Kühlung erfordern. Kaltlagerung kann entweder gekühlte Lagerung (über Einfrieren temps) oder gefrorene Lagerung (unter Einfrieren temps) sein. Siehe auch Trockenlagerung Compliance-Etiketten standardisierte Etikettenformate, die von Handelspartnern verwendet werden. Compliance-Labels werden als Versandetiketten, Containerpalettenetiketten, Kartonetiketten oder Stücklabels verwendet und enthalten in der Regel Barcodes. Viele Barcode-Etikettiersoftwareprodukte haben jetzt die gängigeren Etikettenstandards, die als Vorlagen erstellt wurden. Commodity in der Bestandsführung, der Begriff Commodity hat ein paar Definitionen. Standardprodukte, die üblicherweise aus verschiedenen Quellen erhältlich sind, werden oft Warenware genannt. Spezialisierte oder kundenspezifische Produkte, die nicht allgemein verfügbar sind, oder proprietäre Produkte, die nur aus einer kleinen Anzahl von Quellen erhältlich sind, werden nicht als Warenartikel betrachtet. Der Begriff Commodity wird auch verwendet, um Klassifikationen des Inventars zu beschreiben. In diesem Fall werden Rohstoffcodes verwendet, um Gruppen von Inventarpositionen zu unterscheiden, die für Berichte und Analysen verwendet werden sollen. Beachten Sie, dass Rohstoffklassifizierungen verwendet werden können, um einen Bestandsposten zu beschreiben und sind nicht auf Posten beschränkt, die unter die vorherige Definition von Rohstoffpositionen fallen. Konfigurationsverarbeitungssoftwarefunktionalität, die es ermöglicht, ein Produkt durch eine Auswahl verschiedener vordefinierter Optionen zu definieren, anstatt jede mögliche Kombination von Optionen, die als spezifische SKU vordefiniert sind, zu definieren. Platzieren Sie einen Auftrag für einen Computer und Festlegung Festplatte, Prozessor, Speicher, Grafikkarte, Soundkarte, etc. wäre ein Beispiel für die Konfiguration der Verarbeitung. Konsignationsinventurbestand, der im Besitz des Kunden ist, aber noch im Besitz des Lieferanten ist. Das Konsignationsinventar wird als Marketinginstrument verwendet, um es einem Kunden zu ermöglichen, ein bestimmtes Lieferanteninventar auf Lager zu halten. Lesen Sie meinen Artikel auf Konsignationsinventar. Konsumgüterprodukte, die an Nicht-Endkunden verkauft werden. Kleidung, Essen, Musik-CDs, sind Beispiele für Konsumgüter. Consumer Packaged Goods beschreibt Inventar, das in einer solchen Form ist, die zum Verkauf an Verbraucher (Endbenutzer) bereit ist. Container kann ein Container sein, der für die Lagerung und den Transport von Materialien geeignet ist. Die häufigste Definition von Container in der Logistik bezieht sich auf die spezifischen Containertypen, die für den intermodalen Transport verwendet werden und oft als Ocean Containers bezeichnet werden. Standardaussenmaße für Behälter sind Breite von 8, Höhe von 8 6 oder 9 6 (hoher Würfel) und Längen von 20, 40, 45 (ziehen Sie 4 von der Breite, von der Höhe 9 und von 7 bis 9 von der Länge ab, um innere Demensionen zu bestimmen) . Weitere Spezifikationen und Informationen über Container bei Seaboard Marine. Maersk Sealand. Und eine schöne unabhängige Website Die Intermodal Container FAQ von einem kommerziellen Fotografen. Die Containerisierung von der JIT-Bewegung in der Fertigung bezieht sich auf die Verwendung von standardisierten Behältern für die Lagerung und den Transport von Materialien innerhalb einer Produktionsanlage sowie zwischen Herstellern und Herstellern. Die Materialien werden in Vielfachen der Behältermenge oft mit Kanban bestellt. Die Vorteile der Containerisierung sind reduzierte Produktschäden, reduzierte Abfälle (durch die Verwendung von wiederverwendbaren Behältern), weniger Handhabung und höhere Bestandsgenauigkeit durch vereinfachte Zählprozesse. Contract-Lager ein Vertrag Lager ist ein Geschäft, das Versand, Empfang und Lagerung von Produkten auf Vertragsbasis behandelt. Vertragswohnhäuser verlangen in der Regel einen Auftraggeber, sich zu einem bestimmten Zeitraum (in der Regel in Jahren) für die Dienstleistungen zu verpflichten. Verträge können oder können nicht verlangen, Kunden zu kaufen oder zu subventionieren Lagerung und Material Handling Ausrüstung. Gebühren für Vertrag Lager können Transaktion und Lagerung basiert, fixiert, Kosten plus, oder jede Kombination. Siehe auch Artikel zu Public Warehouses und 3PLs. Das Coproduct wird verwendet, um mehrere Artikel zu beschreiben, die während eines Produktionslaufs gleichzeitig produziert werden. Coproducts werden häufig verwendet, um die Ausbeuten bei Schneidoperationen, wie Stanzen oder Sägen, zu erhöhen, wenn festgestellt wird, dass Schrott reduziert werden kann, indem mehrere Produkte in einer einzigen Produktion kombiniert werden. Coproducts werden auch verwendet, um die Häufigkeit der Maschinensetups zu reduzieren, die bei diesen Operationen erforderlich sind. Coproducts, auch bekannt als Nebenprodukte, sind auch bei der Prozessherstellung, wie in chemischen Anlagen, üblich. Obwohl das Konzept von Koprodukten ziemlich einfach ist, ist die Programmierlogik, die für die Planung und Verarbeitung von Koprodukten erforderlich ist, sehr kompliziert, und die meisten Standardprodukte der Fertigungsindustrie werden Probleme bei der Koproduktverarbeitung haben. Die Kalkulationsmethode bezieht sich auf die Berechnungen, die zur Ermittlung der Bestandskosten verwendet werden. Siehe auch Durchschnittskosten, laufende Kosten, Standardkosten, Istkosten, Landed Cost, First-in-First-out, Last-in-Last-Out. Kosten der verkauften Waren Buchhaltung Begriff verwendet, um den Gesamtwert (Kosten) der Produkte verkauft während eines bestimmten Zeitraums zu beschreiben. Da Inventar ein Vermögenswert ist, wird es nicht aufgewendet, wenn es gekauft oder produziert wird. Es geht stattdessen in ein Vermögenskonto (in der Regel Inventar genannt). Wenn das Produkt verkauft wird, wird der Wert des Produkts (die Kosten, nicht der Verkaufspreis) aus dem Vermögenskonto auf ein Kostenkonto mit dem Namen Kosten der verkauften Waren oder COGS verschoben. COGS erscheint in der Gewinn - und Verlustrechnung und wird auch für die Berechnung der Bestandsveränderungen verwendet. Zählwaage eine spezielle Skala verwendet, um Mengen zu bestimmen (und nicht nur Gewicht). Die grundlegende Skalenfunktion ist die gleiche wie andere Arten von Skalen, jedoch hat eine Zählwaage Funktionalität, um ein Stückgewicht basierend auf einer Probe zu berechnen und dann dieses Stückgewicht zu verwenden, um das Produkt auf der Grundlage des Gesamtgewichts zu zählen. Der grundlegende Prozess mit einer Zählwaage ist, einen leeren Behälter auf die Skala zu setzen, drücken Sie die Tara-Taste auf Null aus der Skala, zählen Sie ein Beispiel und legen Sie es in den Behälter, sagen Sie der Skala die Größe der Probe, zähle eine andere Probe Um die Genauigkeit zu überprüfen und dann den Rest des Produkts in den Behälter zu werfen, um die volle Zählung zu erhalten. Ich decke die Verwendung von Zählwaagen in meinem Buch Inventarität Genauigkeit: Menschen, Prozesse, amp Technologie CPG Consumer Packaged Goods (siehe separate Auflistung) Cross-Gürtel Sortierer-Sortieranlage, die eine Reihe von Geräten (Träger) auf einem montiert Um Material zu sortieren. Jede Vorrichtung hat einen kleinen Gurtförderer, der oben auf diesem angeordnet ist und senkrecht zur Richtung des Hauptförderers verläuft. Wenn es an einem Sortierpunkt ankommt, wird sich der Förderer auf dem Träger drehen, wobei die Materialien zur Seite des Hauptförderers bewegt werden (üblicherweise auf einen anderen Förderer, fallen eine Rutsche oder in einen Behälter). Cross-Docking in seiner reinsten Form Cross-Docking ist die Aktion des Entladens Materialien aus einem ankommenden Anhänger oder Schienenfahrzeug und sofort das Laden dieser Materialien in ausgehende Anhänger oder Schienenfahrzeuge, so dass die Notwendigkeit für die Lagerung (Lagerung). In Wirklichkeit ist das reine Cross-Docking außerhalb von Verkehrsknotenpunkten und Hub - und Speichenverteilernetze selten. Viele Cross-Docking-Operationen erfordern große Staging-Bereiche, in denen eingehende Materialien sortiert, konsolidiert und gespeichert werden, bis die ausgehende Sendung vollständig und versandfertig ist. Diese Staging kann Stunden, Tage oder sogar Wochen dauern, wobei der Staging-Bereich im Wesentlichen ein Lager ist. CRP Kapazitätsbedarfsplanung (siehe separate Liste) Cube ein Maß für das Volumen von rechteckigen dreidimensionalen Objekten oder Räumen. Cube berechnet mein Multiplizieren der Länge mal die Breite mal die Höhe des Objekts oder Raumes. Cube-Logikbegriff, der in Lagerverwaltungssystemen verwendet wird. Cube-Logik ist oft integriert, aber selten verwendet in WMS-Systeme wegen seiner Neigung, Ihr Produkt als Flüssigkeit zu behandeln (Anbringen einer runden Pflock in einem quadratischen Loch). Siehe Artikel über Lagerverwaltungssysteme. Cubed out beschreibt eine Bedingung, bei der der gesamte Platz in einem Anhänger oder Container vollständig gefüllt ist. Der Begriff cubed out wird oft verwendet, wenn Sie den Anhänger oder Container vollständig gefüllt haben, aber noch unter der Gewichtskapazität sind. Siehe auch Gewichtet aus. Cube Auslastung in der Lagerhaltung und Logistik, Würfel Nutzung bezieht sich auf die Nutzung von Speicherplatz innerhalb Lagerfläche, Anhänger oder Container. Die Cube-Nutzung wird in der Regel als Prozentsatz des Gesamtraums oder des gesamten Nutzraums berechnet. Kubische Geschwindigkeit eine Maßnahme, die beim Lagerschlitz verwendet wird, um die geeignete Größe des Ortes zu bestimmen. Die kubische Geschwindigkeit misst in der Regel das Volumen (cubic feetcubic inches), das sich während einer vordefinierten Zeitspanne (Tage, Wochen usw.) aus einem Ort bewegt. Dies wird hauptsächlich bei der Auswahl von Standorten verwendet, so dass Sie die durchschnittlichen Einheiten, die während einer Periode durch den Würfel jeder Einheit verkauft wurden, multiplizieren, um die kubische Geschwindigkeit zu bestimmen. Aktuelle Kosteninventur-Kalkulationsmethode, die die Kosten der letzten Quittung auf alle Bestände eines bestimmten Elements anwendet. Cycle count bezieht sich auf den Prozess der regelmäßig geplanten Inventurzählung (in der Regel täglich), die Zyklen durch Ihr Inventar. Benutzer legt fest, wie oft bestimmte Positionsbereiche gezählt werden. Lesen Sie meinen Artikel über Zykluszählung und überprüfen Sie heraus mein Buch auf Zykluszählen. Kopie des Urheberrechts. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Datenerfassung Siehe DCC-Verteilungscenter für die automatische Datenerfassung (ADC) Erfordernis, dass ein bestimmtes Element in einer bestimmten Menge benötigt wird. Siehe Dependent Demand und Independent Demand. Abhängige Nachfrage Nachfrage aus der geplanten Produktion von anderen Produkten. Dim Gewicht siehe Dimension Gewicht Dimension Gewicht Formel verwendet, um Frachtkosten zu ermitteln, wenn das Mindest-Gewicht-Volumen-Verhältnis nicht erfüllt wurde. Tatsächliches Gewicht und Dimgewicht werden verglichen, und das größere Gewicht wird für die Frachtberechnung verwendet. Dim Gewicht wurde historisch berechnet durch: Dim Gewicht (Länge x Breite x Höhe) 194 (Alle Maßangaben sind in Zoll) und ursprünglich nur für Luft-Sendungen. Allerdings haben vor kurzem die Träger wurden komplexere Dim-Gewicht-Politik. Je nach Träger, Ziel und Dienst können Sie also einen anderen Divisor verwenden. Zum Beispiel, ab 2011, verwendet UPS 166 (statt 194) für Luft-Sendungen und 139 für Exporte, dann begann mit 166 für Boden Sendungen, aber nur, wenn sie über 5,184 Kubikzoll (es sieht aus wie im Jahr 2015 werden sie zu beseitigen Der Ausschluss für Pakete 5,184 Kubikzoll oder kleiner). Der Zweck der dimensionalen Gewichte ist es, den Trägern zu ermöglichen, effektiver anzuwenden Frachtgebühren, wenn sehr leichte, aber sperrige Sendungen auftreten. Diese leichten, aber sperrigen Pakete können schnell füllen ein Flugzeug oder Anhänger, noch nicht genug Umsatz (basierend auf Gewicht-basierte Gebühren) zur Deckung der Kosten. A. k.a. Dim Gewicht Direktes Schiff direktes Verschiffen - und Tropfenverschiffen sind zwei Ausdrücke, die allgemein austauschbar verwendet werden. Sie beschreiben einen Prozess, bei dem drei Parteien mit der Verkaufstransaktion (dem Käufer, dem Verkäufer und dem Lieferanten) interagieren. Der Käufer initiiert einen Kauf beim Verkäufer, der sich dann mit dem Lieferanten veranlasst, das Produkt direkt an den Käufer zu versenden. Der Verkäufer trägt nicht das Inventar des Produkts und der Lieferant hat keine direkte Kommunikation mit dem Käufer. Der Käufer zahlt den Verkäufer und der Verkäufer zahlt den Lieferanten. Im Falle einer Blind-Direktversand werden die Lieferanteninformationen vorsätzlich vor dem Käufer verborgen. Obwohl beide Begriffe (direkt Schiff und Drop-Schiff) sind in der Regel verwendet, um den gleichen Prozess zu beschreiben, Ive immer als eine kleine Unterscheidung zwischen den beiden, die sich auf, wo Sie in der Lieferkette sind. Für den Verkäufer beschreibt der Direktversand sowohl den Prozess als auch eine Bestandsverkaufsstrategie, der Lieferant wird jedoch häufig nur den Begriff Tropfenschiff verwenden, um den Prozess zu beschreiben, bei dem er das Produkt an eine andere Adresse als die seines Kunden verschickt Bezahlt ihn für das Produkt). Manchmal beschreibt der Begriff Tropfenschiff auch den Prozess des Versands zu jedem Ort, der sich von dem normalen Versandort des Kunden unterscheidet. Diese subtile Unterscheidung ist manchmal offensichtlich in der Terminologie in der Software-Dokumentation verwendet. Direkte Lieferung, Tropfenversand. Direkte Lagerzustellung (DSD) beschreibt eine Verteilungsmethode, die hauptsächlich in Lebensmittelgeschäften verwendet wird, wo der Lieferant das Produkt direkt an die Waren liefert. Dies umgehen das Vertriebsnetz des Einzelhändlers. In einigen Fällen handelt es sich dabei nicht nur um eine Bereitstellungsmethode, sondern auch um eine vom Verkäufer verwaltete Bestandsmethode, mit der der Lieferant das Inventarverfahren verwaltet, das Produkt physisch liefert und das Produkt auf den Einzelhandelsgeschäften lagert. Die diskrete Fertigung beschreibt die Herstellung einzelner Gegenstände (Gegenstände, die man leicht zählen, berühren, sehen kann), wie ein Bleistift, eine Glühbirne, ein Telefon, ein Fahrrad, eine Kraftstoffpumpe, etc. Diskret. Siehe auch Process Manufacturing. Distribution beschreibt den Prozess der Lagerung, Versand und Transport von Waren. Beschreibt auch die Einrichtungen (Verteilungsbetriebe, Verteilzentren), die diese Tätigkeiten durchführen. In der statistischen Analyse beschreibt die Messung einer Gruppe von Ereignissen oder Ereignissen (siehe Normalverteilung). Verteilungsanforderungsplanungsprozess zur Ermittlung der Bestandsanforderungen in einer multiplen Plantwarehausumgebung. DRP kann sowohl für die Verteilung als auch für die Herstellung verwendet werden. In der Fertigung arbeitet DRP direkt mit MRP. DRP kann auch als Verteilungsressourcenplanung definiert werden, die auch die Bestimmung von Arbeits-, Ausrüstungs - und Lagerplatzanforderungen umfasst. Dock Leveler-Gerät, das eine Brücke zum Anhänger sowie eine Rampe zur Erleichterung der Übergang in der Höhe vom Dock zum Anhänger bietet. Dock Levelers werden nach Gewichtskapazität und nach dem Leistungsspektrum bewertet. The service range, also known as the height differential, rates the safe range above and below dock level you can use the leveler to transition to the trailer height. See also article Dock Safety Dock to stock dock-to-stock has numerous meanings depending on the industry and context. Dock to stock often describes a program where materials are received into stock without any incoming inspection. This often requires certification of suppliers to ensure they can adequately meet quality standards. Dock to stock may also describe a performance measurement where you track the time it takes for inbound receipts to get from the dock, through the receiving process, and to their stocking location with all transactions completed. These are the two most common uses I have run into, but I have encountered other uses of the term. Double-deep rack a type of pallet rack designed to be used with double-deep reach trucks that allow storage of palletized loads 2-deep in rack. Double-deep rack may be a unique design (designed specifically for double-deep storage) or may just be a double-deep configuration of standard selective pallet rack. Also see Reach truck and check out article on Aisle Widths. DRP Distribution requirements planning (see separate listing) Drive-in rack racking system designed to allow a lift truck to drive into the bay creating very high density storage for non-stackable loads. Useful for operations with limited SKUs and high quantities of pallets per SKU. FIFO is difficult to maintain in drive-in racking systems. a. k.a. Drive-thru Rack. Also see Racking Pics Page. Drop ship see Direct ship. Drum-handling attachments describes the various designs of lift-truck attachment used to handle 55 gallon drums. Some are smaller versions of a paper roll clamp while others may engage the upper rim of the drum, or the lower rings. Some drum attachments are capable of picking up multiple drums at the same time. Dry storage though dry storage can have other meanings in different industries, in warehousing it is typically used to describe non-refrigerated storage of food products (canned goods, dry goods, etc). See also Cold storage DSD Direct store delivery (see separate listing) Dunnage fill material. Types of dunnage include loose fill (packing peanuts), papar, bubble wrap, foam, and air pillows. Duty Duties are fees collected by customs authorities upon entry into a county. Duties are not the same as taxes, which may also be collected by the customs authority. Dynamic slotting this is a term sometimes used by WMS providers to describe a higher level of slotting functionality. Unfortunately, there is not a standard definition for this, but it usually refers to the ability to change slotting recommendations as item profiles, order profiles, or other operational characteristics change. In some cases it involves temporary slotting to support known orders (items with many picks will be moved into a temporary slot by the order picker). Each each or eaches refers to the units you are using (either in physical processes or in your inventory system). In most cases eaches implies you are using the smallest possible unit of measure (the individual pieces). Economic order quantity result of a calculation that determines the most cost effective quantity to order (purchased items) or produce (manufactured items). The formula basically finds the point at which the combination of order cost and carrying cost is the least. The standard formula is EOQ Square Root 2 (Annual Usage) (Order Cost) (Annual Carrying Costunit). The difficult part of implementing the formula is getting accurate values for order cost and carrying cost. For more info on EOQ see my article Optimizing EOQ or check out my book on inventory management. EDI Electronic Data Interchange (see separate listing). Effective lead time effective lead time represents a period of time that includes the lead time (see Lead time), plus additional time factors that may occur between the time the need for an order in known, and the inventory is in stock and available. For example, a fixed ordering schedule (orders are only placed on specific days for specific vendors) may add some time to the lead time, as may some internal processing. Electronic product code EPC is the RFID version of the UPC barcode. EPC is intended to be used for specific product identification. However, EPC goes beyond UPC by not only identifying the product as an SKU, but also providing access to additional data about the origin and history of the specific units. The EPC tag itself identifies the manufacturer, product, version, and serial number. Its the serial number that takes EPC to the next level. This is the key to data related to specific lotsbatches as well as potentially tracking the specific units history as it moves through the supply chain. This data is stored somewhere else (the internet or other network) but a standardized architecture allows you to access the data much like you would access a web page (though this would be happening automatically behind the scenes). See my article on RFID for more info. Electronic data interchange As the name implies, EDI is an electronic means of exchanging data. In inventory management, EDI is often used to exchange data such as purchase order details and advanced shipment notifications. See Wikipedia page for EDI Enterprise resource planning describes software systems designed to manage most or all aspects of a manufacturing or distribution enterprise (an expanded version of MRP systems). ERP systems are usually broken down into modules such as Financials, Sales, Purchasing, Inventory Management, Manufacturing, MRP, DRP. The modules are designed to work seamlessly with the rest of the system and should provide a consistent user interface between them. These systems usually have extensive set-up options that allow you to customize their functionality to your specific business needs. Unfortunately, in the real world, ERP systems rarely are sufficient to meet all business needs and a myriad of other software packages such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Transportation Management Systems (TMS) are being sold to make up for these deficiencies. EOQ Economic order quantity (see separate listing). EPC Electronic product code (see separate listing) ERP Enterprise resource planning (see separate listing) ESFR Early suppression fast response. Sprinkler system technology that executes faster and with a substantially greater volume of water. ESFR sprinklers may eliminate the need for in-rack sprinkler systems in many warehouses, thus reducing the cost of installation and, more importantly, the risk of water damage caused by damage to in-rack sprinklers. Retrofitting ESFR into older warehouses is not always feasible due to limited water pressure in old systems. Event management software functionality that triggers specific actions based upon the occurrence of a specific event or combination of events. This is another one of those terms used primarily by software vendors and consultants to push new technology. In reality, business software has been providing event-management functionality for years. If inventory dropping below a predetermined level (reorder point) triggers a message to a planner (or even a listing on a reorder report), this is essentially event management. Excess Inventory inventory quantities above a specific need. Some businesses may designate excess inventory as inventory beyond a certain time period of demand. For example, any inventory greater than 60 days demand. Others may designate it as inventory beyond their current safety stock plus lot size (order quantity). The second method assumes you have formulas for adjusting safety stock and lot sizes as demand changes. This method basically calculates how much more inventory you have than you would have if you started with nothing and stocked based on current demand and ordering practices. You will generally use tolerances with the 2nd method. See also Obsolete Inventory Explosion-proof lift trucks lift trucks designed to work in hazardous environments where highly combustible materials are present. Vehicles are designed to avoid sparks and components reaching combustible temperatures. Special electrical systems and materials are used to achieve this. Exponential smoothing forecasting method that is essentially a variation of a weighted moving average. The data inputs to the exponential smoothing include the previous periods demand, the previous periods forecast, and a smoothing factor. The smoothing factor is a number between zero and one (0.01, 0.02. 0.99) that is used to weight the most recent periods demand against the forecast for that period to produce the next periods forecast. The calculation is Next period forecast(Previous periods demandSmoothing factor)(Previous periods forecast(1-Smoothing factor See article on Exponential Smoothing. Extrusion generally describes an item made of metal or plastic that is produced by forcing the raw material through a die (extruding). The result being a long item with a uniform shape throughout the length. Extrusions will often (though not always) require cutting and other machining processes to turn them into a finished item. Fast Charging Method for quickly recharging lift truck batteries on the vehicle during short periods where the vehicle is not being used (lunches, breaks, shift changes, etc). This process for opportunity charging eliminates the need to change batteries in multi-shift operations. Fast charging requires special chargers (called fast chargers). Fast chargers are significantly more expensive than standard battery chargers and there is still debate as to whether or not fast charging causes any harm to the batteries. The cost of the fast chargers can be offset by labor and equipment savings related to the elimination of changing batteries. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) description of common high volume products such as food, hygiene product, or cleaning supplies. These would be products that the average consumer would frequently purchase such as soda, toothpaste, or dish soap. Fast pick refers to fast moving items, or the locations designated for fast moving items. FIFO First-in-first-out. In warehousing describes the method of rotating inventory to used oldest product first. Actually an accounting term used to describe an inventory costing method. See LIFO Fill rate Sales order processing measurement that quantifies the ability to fill orders. There are various ways of measuring fill rate. Line fill compares the number of line items shipped complete to the total number of lines ordered ( 95 line items shipped complete out of 100 lines ordered would result in a 95 line fill rate). Order fill compares the number of orders shipped complete to the total number of orders shipped. Other examples of fill rates would include dollar fill rate (comparing dollars shipped to dollars ordered), unit fill rate (comparing units shipped to units ordered). In fulfillment operations and some distribution operations where orders are generally shipped within 24 hours of receipt of order, fill rates reflect the ability to immediately ship from stock. In manufacturing operations and distribution operations that have lead-times for products, fill rates reflect the ability to ship to an agreed-to date. In these environments fill rate measurements are sometimes called On-time-and-Complete (OTC) or On-time Delivery (OTD) measurement. Tolerances are sometimes used in fill rate measurements to allow lines or orders that are not shipped complete but are within the tolerance to be considered as shipped complete. The tolerances may be based on units, dollars, lines, or dates (shipped within certain tolerance of required date). Fixed lead time a set lead time that doesnt change. Also see Lead time, Variable Lead time. Flex conveyor portable conveyor that can be expanded, contracted, and flexed around curves. See Conveyer Pics. Floor load a method of loading trucks, trailers, or containers where you load the goods directly on the floor rather than using pallets or other containers. Floor loading tends to be very labor intensive, but provides the greatest opportunity for utilizing the full cube of the truck, trailer, or container. Floor stock inventory that is consumed in production but is not tracked in the perpetual inventory system. Floor stock is different from non-stock inventory since it does actually have an SKU number and item master record, but rather than tracking quantities in the inventory system, the materials are expensed as they are received Flow rack racking system that incorporates sections of conveyor to allow the cartons or pallets to flow to the face of the rack. Stocking is performed from the rear of the rack. Also see Racking Pics Page. Flue space See Longitudinal flue space and Transverse flue space. FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods (see separate listing) Food-grade warehouse A Food-grade warehouse is a warehouse that meets specific requirements for the storage of edible products or materials that will make up edible products (ingredients or even packaging). To my knowledge, food grade is not a single designation or certification, but instead is a broad designation used to describe these types of facilities. And while there may be governmental requirements for food storage based on the location of the facility, actual certification of food grade is usually completed by private (non-government) organizations, and required based on the specific customer base being served. For example, the industry you serve may require inspections and certification from AIB (the American Institute of Baking). The most visually notable feature of a typical food-grade warehouse is the 18-inch wide white line painted on the floor following the entire perimeter of all walls in the facility. This area must be kept clear and clean at all times (primarily related to pest control). Food-grade facilities may be made up of dry storage andor cold storage. Forecast A Forecast is an estimation of future demand. Most forecasts use historical demand to calculate future demand. Adjustments for seasonality and trend are often necessary. Forecasting is all about turning unknowns into knowns (or reasonable approximations). For more info on forecasting, check out my book on inventory management. Forecast consumption describes the method(s) your inventory management software uses to reduce forecasted demand by the actual demand that occurs during the forecast period. Incorrectly set up forecast consumption parameters or lack of functionality related to forecast consumption can often create serious problems with planning systems. Forecast error the difference between the forecast quantity for a period and the actual demand experienced during that period. Forecast error is calculated after the period has passed and is used to evaluate the forecast and make adjustments. Forging generally describes an unfinished item made of metal that is produced through a process that heats the metal (not to melting point) then uses pressure or hammering to change the shape of the metal into a shape that closely resembles the finished item that will ultimately be made (through machining processes) from the forging. Forklift a. k.a Fork Lift. See Lift Trucks. Forklift-free plants a strategy to eliminate or reduce forklift use in operations. Used mainly in manufacturing operations, forklift-free usually involves finding ways to eliminate forklift use in specific areas (mainly the production areas). A key benefit is the safety of workers, but other benefits such as better space utilization and reduction of costs associated with lift trucks may also be factors. Fork positioner lift truck attachments that allow the operator to adjust the distance between the forks without getting off of the truck. Used primarily in high volume operations where there is a great variety of pallet and crate sizes handled. Forward pick location these are locations in a warehouse used specifically for order picking. When you use forward pick locations it is assumed that you also have reserve storage locations. Also see Reserve Storage Locations. Free lift in lift truck specifications, free lift describes the distance the forks can travel vertically before the mast starts to extend. Free lift is important if you need to stack or unstack loads within an area with a low ceiling, such as in trailers or containers. FTZ Foreign Trade Zone (also known as Free Trade Zone), is similar to a Bonded Warehouse in that it has a special status that allows products to be imported into it without taxes or duties being paid. However, a Foreign Trade Zone actually has less restrictions placed upon it than a standard bonded warehouse and activities such as manufacturing can occur within an FTZ. Here is a nice link to a site that explains these difference in greater detail inzone. orgampsectionbasicsampsubsectionbonded. Also see Bonded Warehouse Fulfillment the activity of processing customer shipments. Though most manufacturig and warehouse operations will process customer shipments, this term usually refers to operations that ship many small orders (usually parcels) to end users as opposed to operations that process larger shipments to other manufacturers, wholesalers, or resellers. Examples of fulfillment operations would include operations that process shipments for mail-order catalogs, internet stores, or repair parts. Kopie des Urheberrechts. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Gaylord a large corrugated container usually sized to match the length and width dimensions of a pallet. Gaylord is actually a trade name that has become synonymous with this specific type of container. Alright Beavis, you can stop snickering now. GMA pallet Also known as a Grocery Pallet, a GMA pallet is made to the specifications of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. It is basically a 4-way pallet that is 40 inches wide, by 48 inches deep, by 5 inches in height and has the deck boards and bottom boards mounted flush with with the outside stringers (more detailed specs are available from the Grocery Manufacturers Association ). Also see Pallet GMROII Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment. Calculation that shows your margin relative to your average inventory investment. Calculated by dividing your annual gross margin (dollars) by your average inventory (dollars). Particularly useful in determining which items provide the greatest profit potential relative to your investment in inventory. As with all calculations that use gross margin as an input, the output may be flawed if other costs not included in the gross calculation may vary significantly from one item to another. Guidance systems guidance systems are used to guide automated guided vehicles through plants, guide lift trucks in very-narrow-aisle storage areas. Wire-guided and Rail-guided tend to be the most common guidance systems, but others including laser, optical systems, and magnetic tape are also available. See also Wire-guided, Rail-guided, Laser-guided, Optical-guided. Gravity conveyor types of conveyor that use gravity to move materials. Skatewheel conveyer and roller conveyor are the most common types of gravity conveyor used, however, even a simple steel chute is essentially a gravity conveyor. High-density storage describes storage methods where unitized loads are stored more than one unit deep andor high. Stacked bulk floor storage, drive-indrive-thru rack, push-back rack, flow rack, and, to a lesser extent, double-deep rack, are examples of high-density storage. High-piled combustible storage term used in fire codes to refer to codes relating to floor or racked storage exceeding 12 feet in height or high-hazard commodity storage exceeding 6 feet in height. See article Warehouse Fire Safety. Honeycombing refers to the unused pallet positions in high-density storage that result when the number of unit-loads for an item does not completely fill the storage lane. Since mixing SKUs in high-density storage is normally not done, these unused pallet positions are not available to store other materials. Impact alarm a. k.a shock alarm, shock switch. Impact alarms are devices that can be attached to lift trucks to sense impacts (collisions). The reality of impact alarms is not near as wonderful as the concept. See my article on Lift Truck Safety for more details. Inching pedal on lift trucks with internal combustion (gasoline, liquid propane, diesel) engines it is necessary to rev the engine in order to get the power needed to lift a load with the hydraulics. An inching pedal acts like a combination of a clutch pedal and brake pedal. When slightly depressed, it puts the transmission in neutral allowing the operator to rev the engine. When completely depressed it engages the brakes. An inching pedal may be a separate pedal from the brake pedal or be part of the main brake pedal. Independent Demand demand generated from forecasts, customer orders or service parts. Industrial Truck vehicles used for industrial purposes. Generally used to transport materials and personnel within industrial facilities. Lift trucks (forklifts) are the most well known type of industrial truck. Inner pack an additional level of multi-unit packaging within a case, carton, or other larger packaging. For example, you may have a case that contains 600 units of an item, but within that case you have 24 smaller boxes or bags that each contain 25 units. These smaller packages are called inner packs. Intermodal transportation term describing the use of multiple modes of transportation for a shipment. Ocean containers that are picked up by a truck, delivered to port, transported by ship, and then picked up by another truck are a common example of intermodal transportation. In the trucking industry, intermodal usually refers to the combination of trucking and rail transportation. Inventory any quantifiable item that you can handle, buy, sell, store, consume, produce, or track can be considered inventory. This covers everything from office and maintenance supplies, to raw material used for manufacturing, to semi-finished and finished goods, to fuel used to power equipment used in the business. Inventory management the direction and control of activities with the purpose of getting the right inventory in the right place at the right time in the right quantity in the right form at the right cost. Inventory Turn number of times inventory is consumed or sold during a one year period. Generally calculated by dividing the average inventory level (or current inventory level) into the annual inventory usage (annual Cost of Goods Sold). In my opinion, Inventory Turns is probably the most overused, misused, and abused inventory metric. Thats primarily because it doesnt really tell you a hell of a lot, yet companies insist on building order policies on it. Item see SKU Item Profile data that describes the characteristics of an item. May include physical characteristics such as size and weight, transactional characteristics such as times soldconsumed and units soldconsumed, or group characteristics such as sales channel, commodity, hazardous classification, etc. Item profiles are used in warehouse design and slotting. Jackpot Line this is one of those funky terms that has somehow achieved widespread acceptance in the material handling industry. Usually used with automated systems such as automated conveyor systems, a Jackpot Line refers to an area where exceptions are routed. Exceptions may include orders that could not be completed (shortages or WMS error), orders requiring special processing, or weight or size exceptions. The terms Jackpot Lane, or Jackpot Area are also used to describe similar exception areas. JIT Just-in-time. Term usually thought of as describing inventory arriving or being produced just in time for the shipment or next process. Actually, JIT is a process for optimizing manufacturing processes by eliminating all process waste including wasted steps, wasted material, excess inventory, etc. Job Shop a manufacturing slang term that can have a variety of meanings, but generally refers to a manufacturing operation that does primarily custom fabrication to a customers specs. These are often smaller machine-shop type operations, but the term can be used to describe larger operations. It basically comes down to a process whereby a customer orders a quantity of something built to a certain spec, this becomes a job. That item built to that spec may or may not have been run before or may or may not be repeated in the future. Just-in-sequence A combination of just-in-time delivery with production line sequencing of delivered items. A customer will notify a supplier of the items needed and the sequence based on the customers manufacturing schedule, the supplier will then put together the shipment with the items in the appropriate sequence and deliver them to the customer (sometimes directly to the assembly line). This is most common in the automotive and similar assembly line industries where each unit on the assembly line can be configured differently (component options). Kanban used as part of a Just-In-Time production operation where components and sub-assemblies are produced based upon notification of demand from a subsequent operation. Historically, Kanban has been a physical notification such as a card (kanban cards) or even an empty hopper or tote sent up the line to the previous operation. Kanban is actually a simplistic means of both signaling the need for inventory as well as controlling the inventory levels (by limiting kanban cards or containers). Landed Cost inventory costing method that includes the purchased cost plus transportation costs, import fees, duties, taxes, and other costs incurred in obtaining the inventory. Laser-guided guidance system used with AGVs that uses a rotating laser (mounted on top of the vehicle) to determine the vehicles location. Reflective targets need to be strategically placed along the vehicles route. Must always maintain clear line-of-site to reflective targets for the system to work properly. Laser scanner device that uses a moving laser to read bar codes. Devices can be portable hand-held units, or fixed units. Lead time amount of time required for an item to be available for use from the time it is ordered. Lead time should include purchase order processing time, vendor processing time, in transit time, receiving, inspection, and any prepack times. However, based on the way many inventory systems work, there may be problems incorporating internal factors such as post-receipt processing in Lead-time, so in many systems, the lead time just represents the period of time from which the item is ordered to the time it arrives at your dock. Also see Effective lead time, Fixed lead time, Variable lead time. Lead-time demand forecasted demand during the lead-time period. For example, if your forecasted demand is 3 units per day and your lead time is 12 days, your lead-time demand would be 36 units. Lean manufacturing alternate term used to describe the philosophies and techniques associated with Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing. Legacy system implies a business computerinformation system that is old or outdated. Often used to describe home-grown (custom built) mainframe systems, however, software companies will use the term legacy system to define any system that is not based on the current version of a business software package. Less-than-truckload transportation term that describes shipments that are less than a trailer load in size. LTL also is used to describe the carriers that handle these loads. LTL carriers generally use strategically placed hubs to sort and consolidate LTL shipments into full-truck-load shipments. License Plate License plates are often used with warehouse management systems. They are basically an ID number placed on a pallet, tote, carton or other container, and are used to track the contents of that container as it moves through the warehouse. The license plate will almost always have a bar code that contains this ID number. So by scanning a single bar code on the pallet you can initiate or complete movement transactions for all items and quantities on that pallet. LIFO, Last-in-first-out in warehousing, describes the method for using the newest inventory first (Ive never seen an operation that uses this). In accounting, its a term used to describe an inventory costing method. See FIFO Lift truck vehicles used to lift, move, stack, rack, or otherwise manipulate loads. Material handling workers use a lot of terms to describe lift trucks some terms describe specific types of vehicles, others are slang terms or trade names that people often mistakenly use to describe trucks. Terms include, industrial truck, forklift, reach truck, motorized pallet trucks, turret trucks, counterbalanced forklift, walkie, rider, walkie rider, walkie stacker, straddle lift, side loader, order pickers, high lift, cherry picker, Jeep, Towmotor, Yale, Crown, Hyster, Raymond, Clark, Drexel. See Lift Truck Pics and articles on Lift Truck Basics and Lift Truck Safety for more info. Lights-out warehouse a. k.a. Lights-out facility. Describes fully-automated facilities. The idea being that if the facility requires no human operators, you can run it with no lights. Use of ASRS units, AGVs, automated conveyors, robots, etc makes this possible. Line item a single detail record. The term line item is most commonly used to describe the detail (each line that reflects an item and a quantity) on sales orders or purchase orders. For example, if a customer orders 20 red pens, 50 black pens, and 10 green pens, this equates to an order with three line items. Load in manufacturing, describes the amount of production scheduled against a plant or machine. In warehousing, describes the materials being handled by a piece of equipment. In transportation, describes the materials being transported. Load locks adjustable support bars used inside trailers to prevent movement of the load. a. k.a Load bars, Cargo bars Locator system locator systems are inventory-tracking systems that allow you to assign locations to your inventory to facilitate greater tracking and the ability to store product randomly. Prior to locator systems, warehouses needed to store product in some logical manner in order to be able to find it (stored in item number sequence, by vendor, by product description, etc.) By using locator systems you can increase space utilization by slotting your product by matching the physical characteristics of the product to a location whose physical characteristics match that of the product. You can also increase productivity by locating fast moving product to closer, more accessible locations, and increase accuracy by separating similar items. Location functionality in software can range from a simple text field attached to an item that notes a single location, to systems that allow multiple locations per item and track inventory quantities by location. Warehouse management systems (WMS) take locator systems to the next level by adding functionality to direct the movement between locations. See article on Warehouse Management Systems. also check out My book on inventory accuracy which covers locator systems in more detail. a. k.a. Location system, Bin locations Lockout Tagout the process of disabling (lockout) and identifying (tagout) equipment and energy sources during maintenance or service to prevent injury of personnel from an unexpected startup or power up. Longitudinal flue space term used by fire codes to describe the space between the rows of back-to-back racking. Flue spaces allow the water from an overhead sprinkler system to reach lower levels of the rack, and also provide the fire a means or rising towards the sprinklers rather than spreading. Normally a longitudinal flue space of at least 6 inches is used though this requirement may vary based on rack height and Transverse Flue spacing. It is important to note that the flue space is measured as the distance between the loads, not the distance between the racks. Also see Transverse Flue Space See article Warehouse Fire Safety. Lot for lot an order method that is driven by forecast periods. Order quantities will match demand in each specific forecast period. Lot size also known as order quantity, lot size represents the quantity of an item you order for delivery on a specific date, or manufacture in a single production run. For more info on lot sizing. check out my book on inventory management. LTL Less-than-truckload (see separate listing) copy Copyright. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Maintenance, repair, and operating inventory (MRO). Inventory used to maintain equipment as well as miscellaneous supplies such as office cleaning supplies. Man-up term used to describe lift trucks designed to raise the operator with the load. Order selectors and turret trucks are the most common types of man-up vehicles. Manufacturing execution system software systems designed to integrate with enterprise systems to enhance the shop-floor-control functionality that is usually inadequate in ERP systems. MES provides for shop floor scheduling, production and labor reporting, integration with computerized manufacturing systems such as automatic data collection and computerized machinery. Master production schedule (MPS) Production schedule specifying specific items, quantities, and dates at which production is expected to take place. The primary purpose of an MPS is to manage capacity when you have some time periods where demand is expected to exceed capacity. You will then use MPS to produce some products in advance of demand (forecasted or actual orders) during periods when capacity exceeds demand. MES Manufacturing execution system (see separate listing) Mezzanine a tiered structure within a building used to provide worker access to various levels. Mezzanines can be free-standing structures supported by posts and trusses, or can be a series of walkways supported by storage equipment (rack-supported mezzanine). Milk run Ive encountered may variations on the definition of this term but basically a milk run consists of a pickup andor delivery route where several stops are made. Usually it refers to a regularly run route, but it may also refer to a one-time run where several stops are made. Some consider a milk run to mean a route where shipments are delivered and inbound materials picked up in the same run. Min-max a simplistic inventory system in which a minimum quantity and maximum quantity are set for an item. When the quantity drops below Min you order up to the Max. Also see Optional replenishment. Motorized pallet truck motorized pallet trucks are the motorized version of the pallet jack. They come in Walkie versions or Rider versions. As you would expect, the walkie is designed for the operator to walk along with the truck as they move loads, while the rider has a small platform that the operator stands on. The riders work great for frequent moving of loads over extended distances within warehouses and manufacturing operations. a. k.a. Walkie, Walkie-rider, Rider. Also see Lift Truck Pics and Lift Truck Basics for more info MPS Master production schedule (see separate listing) MRPMRPII, Manufacturing resource planning process for determining material, labor and machine requirements in a manufacturing environment. MRPII is the consolidation of Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP), and Master Production Scheduling (MPS). MRP was originally designed for materials planning only. When labor and machine (resources) planning were incorporated it became known as MRPII. Today the definition of MRPII is generally associated with MRP systems. MRP generation term used to describe the running of the programs that convert demand into planned orders. Depending on the operation, MRP Generation may be run daily, weekly, or even monthly. Since this processing requires a lot of system resources it is generally confined to off hours or weekend processing. MRO Maintenance, repair, and operating inventory (see separate listing) Multimodal in transportation, multi-modal describes a single shipment that uses two or more forms of transportation via a single contract (bill of lading). For example a combination of truck and rail, or truck and ocean freight. Multimodal data collection using two or more data collection technologies together to perform tasks. For example, using a voice directed order picking system combined with a barcode scanner. Read my article on Multimodal Data Collection. Narrow aisle describes lift trucks that operate in aisles of 8 to 10. Narrow-aisle trucks are generally stand-up vehicles such as reach trucks. Also see Vary Narrow Aisle (VNA) and read article The Aisle Width Decision Negative inventory an inventory system (computer) condition whereby the on-hand inventory balance is listed as a quantity less than zero. Check out my article on negative inventory Non-stock inventory also called non-inventory, this is inventory that is not tracked within your perpetual inventory system. Non-stock inventory will not have an item-master record or internal SKU number. Normal distribution term used in statistical analysis to describe a distribution of numbers in which the probability of an occurrence, if graphed, would follow the form of a bell shaped curve. This is the most popular distribution model for determining probability and has been found to work well in predicting demand variability based upon historical data. Obsolete Inventory inventory that has had no sales or usage activity for a specific period of time. The period of time varies by company and industry and may even vary by product line within a specific company and may range from weeks to years. a. k.a. Dead Inventory. See also Excess Inventory Open Source Software that has the source code freely available for modification. In most cases, open source software is also Free software in that it requires no licensing fees. The Linux operating system, Apache web server, PHP programming language, MySQL database, and OpenOffice office suite are among the best known free open source products. However, when in comes to business software (such as ERP systems), Ive noticed that some of the products that advertise (thats a clue) as open source, are not exactly free. Some have licensing fees, while others are built on databases or other programs that have licensing fees. Operation I use the term operation frequently in my writings with two very distinct meanings. At a general level, an operation is the overall work environment that includes the facility(s) and all activities that occur within it. When discussing MRP and related topics, an operation is a specific step that exists in the routing of a manufacturing process. Optional replenishment the action of ordering or producing up to the Max in a Min-Max system even though inventory has not reached the Min. May be used to avoid down time on machines etc. Optical-guided guidance system that uses a special strip (taped or painted) on the floor to guide an AGV. Order cost also known as purchase cost or set up cost, order cost is the sum of the fixed costs that are incurred each time an item is ordered. These costs are not associated with the quantity ordered but primarily with physical activities required to process the order. For purchased items, these would include the cost to enter the purchase order andor requisition, any approval steps, the cost to process the receipt, incoming inspection, invoice processing and vendor payment, and in some cases a portion of the inbound freight may also be included in order cost. In manufacturing, the order cost would include the time to initiate the work order, time associated with picking and issuing components excluding time associated with counting and handling specific quantities, all production scheduling time, machine set up time, and inspection time. Order cost is used as part of most cost-based order quantitylot sizing calculations. See article on EOQ for more detailed info on order cost. Order cycle also called replenishment cycle, order cycle refers to the time between orders of a specific item. Most easily calculated by dividing the order quantity by the annual demand and multiplying by the number of days in the year. Order point see Reorder point Order profile data describing the characteristics of inbound, outbound, or internal orders (outbound is most common). Examples of characteristics incorporated into an order profile could include: line items per order, pieces per order, weight per order, cube per order, time of day, destination, shipment method, order type, etc. Characteristics are often broken into logical groups such as breaking line items per order into groups of 1 line item, 2-4 line items, 5-10 line items, 11- 25, 26. Order selector a. k.a. Order Picker. Lift truck designed specifically for manual handling of less than pallet load quantities in racking. Man-up design has fixed forks attached to a platform that elevates the load and the operator to facilitate manual loading and unloading from racking. Order selectors are very-narrow-aisles vehicles that operate in aisles of less than 6 Also see Lift Truck Pics. Lift Truck Basics. and The Aisle Decision for more info. Outside operation term describing a step in the manufacturing process that is performed by an outside vendor. System setup for outside operations can get fairly complicated and generally requires linking a purchase order for the outside processing to a specific operation in the routing. The integration of the purchase order process and the work order process to ensure accounting, production planning, and inventory managements needs are met can be confusing and is often problematic copy Copyright. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Paperless when referring to processing in the warehouse (paperless picking, paperless receiving) or on the shop floor, paperless generally suggests that the direction of tasks and execution of transactions are conducted electronically without the use of paper documents. This is usually accomplished through the use of fixed or portable computers, bar code scanners, RFID readers, light-signaling technology (pick-to-light), or voice technology. Or maybe it just means you ran out of paper. Paper-roll clamp designed specifically for the handling of large paper rolls, the paper roll clamp is a lift truck attachment that clamps around the roll and also allows for a full 360 degree rotation. Pallet a portable platform designed to allow a forklift or pallet jack to lift, move, and store various loads. Most pallets are made from wood. but pallets are also made from plastic, steel, and even paper-based materials. Specing a wood pallet involves identifying wood type (hardwood or softwood), overrall pallet size, number and size and spacing of stringers, whether stringers are to be notched for 4-way use, number and size and spacing of deckboards, number and size and spacing of bottom boards, whether deck boards and bottom boards are attached flush with outside stringers or overhang outside stringers. Other options include using a solid deck (rather than separate deck boards), chamfering the deck boards, using treated wood (for international shipments). 2-way pallets allow entry by a forklift from the front or back of the pallet, 4-way pallets have the stringers notched (or use a blocking system instead of stringers) so a forklift can also enter the pallet from either side. The most common sized pallet is the GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association ) pallet, also called a grocery pallet. It is a 4-way pallet that is 40 inches wide, by 48 inches deep, by 5 inches in height and has the deck boards and bottom boards mounted flush with with the outside stringers. Also see Skid. Pallet inverter a type of stationary equipment used to transfer product between different types of pallets such as transferring from wood to plastic pallets, or from pallets to slipsheets. A load on a pallet is placed in the pallet inverter and the entire load is rotated 180 degrees allowing you to remove the original pallet and replace it with another. Period order quantity an order method that uses a fixed period of time to calculate order quantities. Period order quantity is generally stated in days and will be compared to the forecast at time of reorder to calculate the appropriate order quantity. Phantom bill of material a fictitious bill of material created for common subassemblies or kits that you do not want to produce as separate items. For example, if you have a number of products that all use the same hardware kit you can create a phantom bill for the hardware kit and then just put the phantom item on the bills for all products that use it. Your MRP system will treat the phantom bill components as though they were part of the bill for the higher level item (rather than treating it as a separate item that needs to be produced). Phantom items never actually exist, they are just a means for simplifying the management of your bills of materials. Physical inventory refers to the process of counting all inventory in a warehouse or plant. Operations are usually shut down during a physical inventory. See physical inventory page at accuracybook for more information, also read my article on physical inventories. Pick-and-pass see Zone Picking Pick face this is the portion of our storage area that is immediately accessible to the order picker. Think of it as the front (face) of your storage. If you were to measure a pick face, your measurement would contain width and height, but not depth. Pick module can describe anything from a large area of a warehouse designated for order picking (such as a multi-level mezzanine picking area) to the individual sections of flow rack or other storage media that make up the picking area. I think the implication here is that a pick module somehow has a level of sophistication above that of a warehouse area used for order picking. Its really just a marketing term used by equipment suppliers and consultants to try to impress their clients. Pick path the route a picker follows through the picking area to complete his picking tasks. Pick paths can be a fixed path that flows through the aisles in the warehouse, or can be unique to the specific order(s) being picked at the time. Pick-to-clear method often used in warehouse management systems that directs picking to the locations with the smallest quantities on hand. Pick-to-carton for parcel shippers, pick-to-carton logic uses item dimensionsweights to select the shipping carton prior to the order picking process. Items are then picked directly into the shipping carton. When picking is complete, dunnage is added and the carton sealed eliminating a formal packing operation. This logic works best when pickingpacking products with similar sizeweight characteristics. In operations with a very diverse product mix its much more difficult to get this type of logic to work effectively. Pick-to-light pick-to light systems consist of lights and LED displays for each pick location. The system uses software to light the next pick and display the quantity to pick. Pick-to-light systems have the advantage of not only increasing accuracy, but also increasing productivity. Since hardware is required for each pick location, pick-to-light systems are easier to cost justify where very high picks per SKU occur. Carton flow rack and horizontal carousels are good applications for pick to light. In batch picking, put-to-light is also incorporated into the cart or rack that holds the cartons or totes that you are picking into. The light will designate which order you should be placing the picked items in. See article on Order Picking. also check out My book on inventory accuracy. Piece picking also known as broken case picking, piece picking describes a process where individual items are picked for orders. See article on Order Picking. Pinwheel see Pinwheeling Pinwheeling refers to a method for loading trailers where you alter the direction of every other pallet. Basically you use pinwheeling to load more pallets on a trailer when the depth of the pallet is longer than half the trailer width, but the depth plus the width is less than the trailer width. You can also use it as a productivityspace utilization compromise or to reduce load shifting when loading pallets where the depth of the pallet is less than half the trailer width. See article on Trailer Loading Techniques. PLC Programmable logic controller. Computerized device used to control functions of machines. PLCs are used in automation of manufacturing equipment and material handling equipment such as automated conveyor systems. Planned order term used within MRP and DRP systems for system-generated planned order quantities. Planned orders only exist within the computer system and serve multiple functions. One function is to notify the materialsplanner or buyer to produce or order materials, which is done by converting a planned order into an purchase order, shop order, or transfer order. Another function is used by the MRP or DRP system to show demand which is used by subsequent MRP and DRP programs to generate additional planned orders. (MRPDRP systems sometimes run several programs in a specific sequence to generate all planned orders, one program may convert forecasts or customer orders into planned orders which creates the demand the next program uses this demand to create additional planned orders). Planning bill see Planning bill of material Planning bill of material a fictitious bill of material used to group options of a family of products. For example, you may have a line of notebook computers whereby most of the components are the same, but some will have different hard drives, processors, memory, etc. Rather than creating separate bills for each possible combination and then forecasting each possible combination, you create one large planning bill that contains all possible components but uses the quantity per to manage the options. If you expect half of the computers to have 40 GB drives, 25 to have 60GB drives, and 25 to have 80 GB drives, you would set up each drive on the bill and use 0.50, 0.25, and 0.25 respectively as the quantity per. You would then proceed to do the same for all other options. Your higher level forecast would be for the total demand for all computers in this family. Planning bills are sometimes referred to as Super Bills or Pseudo Bills. Plugging plugging is used with electric industrial vehicles to reduce speed, stop, or change direction, without using the brake. Most commonly used with vehicles with hand throttles such as motorized pallet trucks and order selectors, the operator simply switches between forward and reverse to control speed. Though this sounds like something you shouldnt be doing, many electric trucks are designed to allow for this. Pop-up sorter sorting equipment integrated into conveyor to move materials off of conveyor at fixed points. Pop-up sorters are installed in fixed positions and may consist of a series of wheel or small belts that are normally located slightly below the conveyor rollers. The wheels or belts are momentarily raised (pop up) to enable diverting materials off of the conveyor. Postponement a Manufacturing Distribution strategy where specific operations associated with a product are delayed until just prior to shipping. Storing product in a generic state and then applying custom labels or packaging before shipping is an example of postponement. Powered industrial truck according to OSHA, a powered industrial truck is defined as a mobile, power-driven vehicle used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier material. Pretty much covers any type of lift truck as well as vehicles used to tow materials. See Lift Truck Private warehouse as opposed to public warehouse (see separate listing), a private warehouse simply means the warehouse is ownedleased and operated by the private company whose warehouse operations are conducted within that building. For example, if a manufacturer or distributor has their own warehouse that they operate out of. that is a private warehouse. Also see article Public Warehouses, Contract Warehouses, and 3PLs Explained. Pro forma invoice basically a fake invoice created to show a buyer what the details of the actual invoice will look like. You can think of it as a draft invoice. Pro forma invoices are commonly used with international transactions to provide the buyer with the information they will need to pay for the goods (prepayment is common with international transactions) and arrange for import. Process manufacturing type of manufacturing where a product is produced or transformed through mixing, chemical reactions, etc. Examples of process manufacturing would be refining crude oil into gasoline, extracting copper from ore, combining materials to make paint. Process as opposed to discrete manufacturing. Also see Discrete manufacturing. Production plan generally used to describe a long-term plan of what will be produced at a family level. Program generator program generators are software programs that generally provide graphical user interfaces and tools that allow a user to create a program without having to write actual computer code. Currently these programs are more frequently referred to as Development Tools and are usually designed to write code for specific applications such as data-collection programs for portable computers. While a user does not need to be a programmer to use this software, the user does need to have a higher level of technical skills than that of most standard software users. a. k.a. Code generator, Development tools Proprietary used to describe equipment or technologies that do not follow an open standard design that would allow them to easily integrate with other equipment or technologies. Proprietary equipment and technologies are usually patented or otherwise protected making it difficult or impossible for other companies to offer similar or complementary products. Psuedo bill of material see Planning bill of material Purchase order a document used to approve, track, and process purchased items. A purchase order is used to communicate a purchase to a supplier. It is also used as an authorization to purchase. A purchase order will state quantities, costs, and delivery dates. The purchase order is also used to process and track receipts and supplier invoicespayments associated with the purchase. Push-back rack racking system that incorporates a carriage or other sliding device to allow you to feed multiple pallets into the same location pushing back the previous pallet. Also see Racking Pics Page. Push sorter a very simple fixed-position sorting device used with conveyor systems. A push sorter may use a swinging arm or a simple piston-type pushing device to push materials across the conveyor. Put-to-light technology similar to pick-to-light, however, the light modules are used do direct which tote, bin, or carton, the item is to be picked into, rather than directing which locations to pick from. Also see Put Wall and Pick-to-light Put wall term used to describe a group of divided shelves used with put-to-light technology. Its basically a manual sortation system where someone uses put-to-light technology to tell them which slot to place the item in (they often scan the item barcode to initiate the put-to-light). Also see Put-to-light Public warehouse a business that provides short or long-term storage to a variety of businesses, usually on a month-to-month basis. A public warehouse will generally use their own equipment and staff, however, agreements may be made where the client either buys or subsidizes equipment. Public warehouse fees are usually a combination of storage fees (per pallet or actual sq. footage) and transaction fees (inbound and outbound). Public warehouses are most often used to supplement space requirements of a private warehouse. Also see Contract Warehouse and 3PL and article on Public Warehouses and 3PLs Quantity There are various quantity elements in perpetual inventory systems. Below are definitions of the most common. Be aware that these definitions are fairly generic and that specific inventory systems may use completely different definitions or terminology. Quantity on hand also known as onhand quantity, in stock, store quantity Quantity on hand describes the actual physical inventory in the possession of the business. When inventory is received or produced, it is added to quantity on hand, when inventory is sold or consumed, it is removed from quantity on hand. Quantity on order includes quantity on open purchase orders or manufacturing orders. May or may not include quantities on transfer orders from other branches. Quantity in transit in multi-branch environments, quantity in transit reflects the quantity that has been shipped from one branchfacility to another branchfacility, but has not yet been received by that branchfacility. In operations that use advanced tracking of receipts, it may reflect quantities that have been shipped by outside vendors, but not yet received. Inbound and outbound quantities in multi-branch environments, inbound and outbound quantities reflect open quantities on interbranch transfer orders. Quantity allocated also known as committed quantity, commitments, or allocations. Quantity allocated is the quantity that is on current open sales orders or production orders (as components), and may be relative to a specific time period. Also see Allocations Quantity available is the result of a calculation that takes quantity on hand and reduces it by allocations (for sales orders, manufacturing orders, etc). Quantity available may or may not be date specific and therefore take into account future receipts. Quantity available calculations are sometimes very complicated and vary from one software product to another. Queue time amount of time a job waits at an operation prior to set up or processing. Part of manufacturing lead time. Rack-supported building warehouse design that uses structural pallet rack to support the roof of a building, eliminating the need for posts. Rack-supported buildings are usually designed for ASRS systems or turret truck systems where racking is 40 to 100 ft in height. Radio frequency in warehousing, refers to the portable data collection devices that use radio frequency (RF) to transmit data to host system. Radio frequency identification see RFID Rail-guided guidance system used with very-narrow-aisle vehicles such as order selectors and turret trucks. A steel rail is mounded on each side of the aisle, and rollers are mounted on the lift truck to guide it between the rails. Random location storage refers to storage method where a product may be stored in any location. Random storage has higher space utilization and generally lower accuracy than fixed location storage Reach truck a. k.a. Stand-up reach, Straddle reach. Double-deep reach. The reach truck is a narrow-aisle (8-10) lift truck designed specifically for racked pallet storage. It consists of outriggers in front and telescoping forks that use a hydraulic scissors-type mechanism that allow you to pick up the load and retract it over the outriggers reducing the overall truck and load length, allowing you to turn in a narrower aisle. Double-deep reach trucks use an extended reach mechanism that allows you to store pallets two-deep in specially designed double-deep rack. Reach trucks are designed for racking areas only and do not work for loading trucks or quickly moving loads over distances. Also see Lift Truck Pics and Lift Truck Basics for more info. Real-time locator system real-time locator system (RTLS) uses RFID technology that provides the objects they are attached to the ability to transmit their current location. System requires some type of RFID tag to be attached to each object that needs to be tracked, and RF transmittersreceivers located throughout the facility to determine the location and send information to computerized tracking system. While it sounds like a great way to eliminate lost inventory, the systems are still too costly for most inventory tracking operations and are more likely to be used to track more valuable assets. Reorder point The inventory level set to trigger reorder of a specific item. Reorder point is generally calculated as the expected usage (demand) during the lead time plus safety stock. Fixed reorder point implies the reorder point is a static number plugged into the system. Dynamic reorder point implies there is some system logic calculating the order point. Generally this would be comparing current inventory to the forecasted demand during the lead time plus safety stock. Replenishment cycle see Order Cycle Reserve storage refers to locations used to store additional inventory that will eventually replenish forward pick locations. Also called overflow storage, reserve locations, backup storage. See also Forward Pick Locations. Reverse logistics fancy term for Returns. Reverse Logistics covers activities related to returned product, returned pallets and containers, returned materials for disposal or recycling. RFID Radio frequency identification. Refers to devices attached to an object that transmit data to an RFID receiver. These devices can be large pieces of hardware the size of a small book, like those attached to ocean containers, or very small devices inserted into a label on a package. RFID has advantages over barcodes, such as the ability to hold more data, the ability to change the stored data as processing occurs, does not require line-of-site to transfer data and is very effective in harsh environments where bar code labels wont work. Read my articles ADC Basics and RFID Update. also check out My book on inventory accuracy and its related RFID Updates and RFID Links. Roller conveyor type of conveyor that uses rollers to move materials. Roller conveyor may be automated (live roller) or simply use gravity (gravity roller) to move materials. See Conveyor Pics. Rough-cut capacity used to determine estimated load on key pieces of equipment or resources. May use production plan or master production schedule. Rough-cut capacity is usetd as a check to verify that manufacturing resources are adequate to execute the production plan. Routing used in conjunction with the bill of material in manufacturing operations. While the BOM contains the material requirements, the routing will contain the specific steps required to produce the finished items. Each step in the routing is called an operation, each operation generally consists of machine and labor requirements. RTLS Real-time locator system (see separate listing) copy Copyright. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Safety stock quantity of inventory used in inventory management systems to allow for deviations in demand or supply. Safety stock calculations will take into account historic deviations and use a required service level multiplier to determine the optimal safety stock level. For more info on safety stock. check out my book on inventory management and my article on safety stock. Safety lead time safety lead time is a way to represent your safety stock as a number of days demand. Safety lead time can be beneficial when you want to pad your lead-time to compensate for supplier variability, transportation variability, or internal process variability. For example, if can take 2 or 3 days to get incoming materials processed through your receiving process, you may want to set your safety lead time to 2 or 3 days. This will calculate the requested dates for your purchase orders 2 or 3 days earlier than actual need. This is much cleaner than adding the 2 to 3 days to the suppliers lead time (which can be confusing when the suppliers stated lead-time is different from what is in your system). Screen mapping software that provides the functionality to change the arrangement of data fields on a computer screen that accesses a mainframe computer program. Screen Mapping is frequently used in combination with terminal emulation software to Remap data fields from a standard mainframe program to be used on the smaller screen of a portable handheld device. a. k.a. Screen scraping Seasonality fluctuations in demand that repeat with the same pattern over equivalent time periods. Seasonality index consists of a number for each specific forecast period that describes the relationship of each periods demand to the average demand (level) over the complete seasonal cycle. A seasonality index is used to adjust the forecast to account for these cyclical changes in demand. The average demand is represented by the number 1. If seasonality for a period results in demand greater than the average demand, it will be represented by a number greater than 1. For example, if Decembers sales were, on average, 30 greater than the average monthly sales for the year, you would have a seasonality index of 1.3 ( 1 plus .30) for December. If Januarys sales were, on average, 20 less than the average monthly sales for the year, you would have a seasonality index of 0.8 (1 minus .20). Selective pallet rack the term selective pallet rack implies standard single-deep pallet rack configurations (and rack designs) where each pallet is immediately accessible from an aisle. In contrast to double-deep rack, drive-in or drive-thru rack, or push-back rack where some loads will be stored behind other loads. See Equipment Pics: Racking page for examples. Service factor factor used as a multiplier with the Standard Deviation to calculate a specific quantity to meet the specified service level. See article on safety stock for more information on service factor Shipping manifest system software used to associate shipments with carrier, service, rate, etc. Shipping manifest systems will produce a report (physical or electronic) that is sent to the carrier to be used for billing purposes. Shipping systems will usually produce shipping documents such as compliance shipping labels, bill of ladings, Export documents, and Hazmat documentation. They may also have functionality related to rate shopping, freight policy execution, freight cost management. Also see Transportation Management System. Sideshift a very common lift truck attachment, the sideshift device allows the fork carriage to slide left and right to allow more accurate placement of the load. Sideshifts will increase productivity and safety as well as reduce product damage by allowing the operator more flexibility in load placement. Skatewheel conveyor type of conveyor that uses small wheels (usually made of steel) to move materials. See Conveyor Pics. Skid a portable platform designed to allow a forklift, pallet jack, or other material handling equipment lift, move, and store various loads. A skid is similar to a pallet but does not have bottom deck boards. A skid is preferred over a pallet when used with equipment that would have problems with the bottom deck boards. The down side is that a skid usually needs beefier materials (more expensive and heavier) in order to meet the strength requirements of a comparable pallet. Though not technically correct, the terms Skid and Pallet are often used interchangeably. Also see Pallet SKU, Stock keeping unit referring to a specific item in a specific unit of measure. For xample, if you distributed thirty-weight motor oil in both quarts and gallons you would maintain the inventory as two SKUs even though they are both thirty-weight motor oil. Also refers to the identification assigned to each SKU. Slap-and-ship term used to describe an approach to complying with customer requirements for physical identification of shipped goods. Most recently, slap-an-ship has been used to describe complying with RFID requirements (such as those from Wal-Mart), however, it is also applicable to any compliance labeling requirement (such as compliance bar code labels). Slap-and-ship implies you are meeting the customers requirement by applying the bar code labels or RFID tags, but are not utilizing the technology internally. Slide-shoe sorter type of conveyor sorting equipment that uses a series of sliding shoes to move materials off of the connveyor. The sliding shoes are part of the conveyor and travel with the materials, when the sorting point is reached, a several shoes will slide accross the conveyor, pushing the materials onto another conveyor or down a chute. Slip-sheet attachment lift truck attachment used where slip sheets (a sheet of cardboard, paperboard, or plastic) are used rather than pallets. The slip-sheet attachment has a pushpull mechanism that clamps onto the slip sheet and pulls the load onto a thin platform and then pushes the load off of the platform when the truck reaches the destination. Slot the physical space where an item is stored. Examples of slots would include a parts bin on a shelf, a pallet location in pallet rack, or a storage lane where multiple pallets of an item are stacked on the floor. Slotting the activities associated with optimizing product placement in pick locations in a warehouse. There are software packages designed just for slotting, and many WMS packages will also have slotting functionality. Slotting decisions will generally use item velocity (times picked), cube usage (cubic velocity), and minimum pick face dimensions to determine best location, but there are numerous other factors that may need to be considered in a given environment. See article on Slotting Speech-based technology also known as voice technology is actually composed of two technologies: Voice directed, which converts computer data into audible commands, and Speech recognition, which allows user voice input to be converted into data. Portable voice systems consist of a headset with a microphone and a wearable computer. See article on ADC for more info, also check out My book on inventory accuracy which provides greater detail on speech-based systems. SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code (also called Serialized Shipping Container Code). An SSCC is a unique number (code) assigned to a shipping container. The shipping container could be a single carton, a palletized load, or even a full shipping container. Typically used with Advanced Shipment Notifications and EDI, the SSCC is the key to that shipping container and the information that describes the shipping container and its contents. SSCCs are usually printed on a compliance shipping label as a bar code allowing the destination to scan the bar code to automatically receive information about the shipment (often times scanning the bar code will automatically receive the contents of the shipment into inventory). The SSCC could also be incorporated into and RFID tag or any other means of applying a readable (machine or human) code on the shipment. Stamping generally describes an unfinished item made of metal that is produced through a process that uses pressure to form discrete units from larger raw materials. Also describes the process used to produce stampings. In some cases, stampings may also be referred to as blanks. Standard cost inventory costing method used in manufacturing environments that uses the materials costs in the bill of materials combined with the labor costs (based on standard labor hours and rates per operation) and machine costs in the routing to calculate the cost of the finished or semi-finished item. Standard deviation used to describe the spread of the distribution of numbers. Standard deviation is calculated by the following steps: determine the mean (average) of a set of numbers. determine the difference of each number and the mean square each difference calculate the average of the squares calculate the square root of the average. You can also use Excel function STDDEVPA or STDEVP to calculate standard deviation. The above calculation reflects calculating the standard deviation of a population. In many cases we use a sampling of data (rather than the entire population). When calculating the standard deviation of a sample, rather than calculating the true average of the set of numbers, we will divide the sum of the set of numbers by the total count of numbers minus one (1). This allows us to artificially inflate our standard deviation to account for the fact were are not using the entire population. Excel function STDEV calculates the standard deviation of a sample. In safety stock calculations the forecast quantity is often used instead of the mean in determining standard deviation. Straddle trucks lift trucks that incorporate outriggers set wide enough to allow a pallet to fit between them. Common examples would include straddle reach trucks and straddle stackers. Straight truck delivery trucks that do not have a separate tractor and trailer. Straight trucks (also called box vans, or box trucks) usually only have 2 axles and generally have box lengths of between 12 and 30 feet (as opposed to tractor trailers that have 5 axles and trailer lengths of 45 to 53 feet). Structural pallet rack racking system that uses bolts or other mechanical fasteners (as opposed to Boltless Pallet rack). Structural Pallet Rack is sometimes used to support the roof of the structure (Rack-supported buildings), eliminating the need for posts. Super bill of material type of planning bill of material that is created at a very high level tying together a larger and more complex family of products than a typical planning bill. see Planning bill of material Tandems Refers to the rear tandem axles (the back 8 wheels on an 18 wheeler) on a trailer that can be adjusted forward or backward on the trailer to even out load weights or make for more stable loading (tandems all the way back). Tare Weight Tare weight is the weight of the container or packaging (basically the weight of everything on the scale that is not actually the product being weighed). Most industrial scales allow you to input tare weight (either through actually weighing the packaging or container, or by manually inputting the weight) so the weight displayed on the scale is the weight of the product (total weight minus tare weight). For example, if you are using a counting scale to count small parts, you may have a small tub or container that you dump the parts into. First you would place the empty tub on the scale and press the tare button. This will zero out the scale at the weight of the tub. Then you move on to putting your counted sample into the tub. Task interleaving term used in describing functionality of Warehouse Management Systems to mix tasks to reduce travel time. Sending a forklift driver to put away a pallet on his way to his next pick is an example of task interleaving. Terminal emulation software used on desktop and portable computers that allows the computer to act like a terminal connected to a mainframe system. If you have a networked desktop PC and are accessing mainframe programs ( a. k.a. green screen programs) you are using terminal emulation. Terminal emulation is also a common method used to connect portable computers (as in warehouse bar code data collection systems) to mainframe software. Also see Screen Mapping Third-party logistics (abbreviated 3PL) describes businesses that provide one or many of a variety of logistics-related services. Types of services would include public warehousing, contract warehousing, transportation management, distribution management, freight consolidation. A 3PL provider may take over all receiving, storage, value added, shipping, and transportation responsibilities for a client and conduct them in the 3PLs warehouse using the 3PLs equipment and employees, or may manage one or all of these functions in the clients facility using the clients equipment, or any combination of the above. Another term, 4PL is sometimes used to describe businesses that manage a variety of logistics related services for clients by using 3PLs. Also see article on Public Warehouses and 3PLs or visit International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA) site. Tilt-tray sorter conveyor sorting system that uses a series of tilting devices (carriers) to sort materials. Each tilting carrier has a tray and is mounted on a conveyor, as the carrier passes the drop-off point, it will tilt allowing the materials to fall onto another conveyor, down a chute, or into some type of container. a. k.a. Tilt-tray conveyor Time buckets term sometimes used to describe forecast periods. Time fence period of time prior to the scheduled production date beyond which changes can be made without significant adverse effects. TMS Transportation management system (see separate listing). Towline Conveyor material handling system that uses a towline (usually a chain) recessed beneath the floor to pull wheeled carts along a fixed path. Towline conveyors have been used for more than 50 years in manufacturing facilities. Trailer a. k.a. Semi Trailer, Tractor Trailer. Generally describes enclosed trailers used to transport materials between locations. Standard lengths for trailers are 45, 48, and 53, with standard internal width of 98 to 99 and internal height of 105 to 110. Refrigerated trailers, also known as reefers, have smaller internal widths of between 90 and 96 and heights of 96 to 100. Other types of trailers include flatbeds, low boys, and container chassis. Also see Container Trailer creep no, this isnt referring to the strange dude that lives in the trailer park or the guy that hangs around truck stops. Trailer creep (also known as trailer walk, dock walk) occurs when the lateral and vertical forces exerted each time a lift truck enters and exits the trailer cause the trailer to slowly move away from the dock resulting in separation from the dock leveler. Factors that affect trailer creep are the weight and speed of the lift truck and load, the grade of the drive the trailer is parked on, the softness of the suspension, the type of transition (dock levelers, dock boards) being used, and whether the trailer has been dropped off (spotted) or if it is still connected to the tractor. Read my article on Dock Safety. Transportation management system Category of operations software that may include products for shipment manifesting, rate shopping, routing, fleet management, yard management, carrier management, freight cost management. Also see Shipping Manifest System. Transverse flue space term used by fire codes to describe the space to either side of pallet in racked storage. Flue spaces allow the water from an overhead sprinkler system to reach lower levels of the rack. Normally a transverse flue space of at least 3 inches is required (6 inches may be required under some circumstances). Also see Longitudinal Flue Space. See article Warehouse Fire Safety. Turret truck turret trucks are a man-up lift truck similar to an order selector with the exception that rather than fixed forks the forks are mounted on an additional mast and carriage that operates as a turret, turning 90 degrees in either direction facilitating picking and stocking on either side of the aisle. The man-up design makes it easer to handle loads in very tall racking. Very-narrow-aisle trucks are generally recommended to be used in conjunction with a guidance system (wire, rails, optical) within the aisles to increase safety and reduce property damage. Also Turret Trucks require that the floor be perfectly flat and level to operate correctly. Also see Lift Truck Pics. Lift Truck Basics. and The Aisle Width Decision for more info. Tugger an industrial vehicle used to tow carts through a warehouse of production facility. Tuggers are typically used when materials need to be moved over long distances, and will typically tow multiple carts (connected similarly to rail cars) at a time. Tuggers may also be called Tow Vehicles, Tow Tractors, etc. Unit load material handling term that describes any configuration of materials that allow it to be moved by material handling equipment as a single unit. While smaller manually handled configurations could be considered unit loads, the term generally defines larger configurations that would be moved by a lift truck such as palletized loads, crates, bales, etc. a. k.a. unitized load Unit of measure (abbreviated UM) describes how the quantity of an item is tracked in your inventory system. The most common unit of measure is eaches (EA), which simply means that each individual item is considered one unit. An item that uses cases (CA or CS) as the unit of measure would be tracked by the number of cases rather than by the actual piece quantity. Other examples of units of measure would include pallets (PL), pounds (LB), ounces (OZ), linear feet (LF), square feet (SF), cubic feet (CF), gallons. thousands, hundreds, pairs, dozens. Also see Unit-of-measure Conversion. Unit-of-measure conversions a unit-of-measure conversion is needed whenever you work with multiple units of measure. For example, if you purchased an item in cases (meaning that your purchase order stated a number of cases rather than a number of pieces) and then stocked the item in eaches, you would require a conversion to allow your system to calculate how many eaches are represented by a quantity of cases. This way, when you received the cases, your system would automatically convert the case quantity into an each quantity. Variable lead time a lead time that changes (not fixed). When describing supplier lead time, variable lead time means that the lead time from the supplier changes based on his current workload and capacity. Within the context of manufacturing and MRP, variable lead time means the system calculates lead time based on the run quantity and times (setup time, run time, queue time) set up in the routing. Also see Lead time, Fixed Lead time. Vehicle restraint systems devices that prevent trailers from moving away from the loading dock. One of the most popular is the ICC bar type restraint system. These systems incorporated a device that engages the ICC bar (rear impact guard) on the rear of the trailer preventing it from moving away from the dock. These devices may be mechanically or hydraulically operated and may vary in design and functionality from one manufacturer to another. There are also other types of restraints such as those that automatically engage the rear wheels of the trailer. As with the ICC bar restraints, the wheel engagement restraints also vary significantly from one manufacturer to another. There is not a one-system-fits-all solution for vehicle restraints, ICC bar systems may not work with damaged ICC bars, lift gates, and low-boy trailers. Wheel engagement systems are more expensive and may have problems in northern climates due to snow or ice. See article on Dock Safety and Dock Equipment Pics for more info. Very narrow aisle Lift trucks that operate in aisles less than six feet and often use guidance systems (wire, rail, or optical) to travel within the aisles. Types of VNA trucks include order selectors, swing mast, pivot, mast, and turret trucks. See also article The Aisle Width Decision Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) phrase used to describe the process of a supplier managing the inventory levels and purchases of the materials he supplies. This process can be very low tech, such as an office supplies supplier or maintenance supplies supplier coming into your facility once per week to visually check stock levels and place a re-supply order, or high tech, such as an electronic component supplier having remote access to your inventory management and MRP system and producing and automatically shipping to meet your production schedule. Vendor-managed inventory reduces internal costs associated with planning and procuring materials and enables the vendor to better manage his inventory through higher visibility to the supply chain. Vendor-managed inventory may be owned by the vendor (consignment inventory) or the customer. Voice directed see Speech-based technology VNA Very narrow aisle (see separate listing) Walkie or Walkie-rider see Motorized Pallet Truck Wave picking variation on zone picking where rather than orders moving from one zone to the next for picking, all zones are picked at the same time and the items are later sorted and consolidated into individual ordersshipments. Wave picking is the quickest method for picking multi item orders however the sorting and consolidation process can be tricky. Picking waves are often designed to isolate shipments to specific carriers, routes, etc. See also batch picking, zone picking A more general definition of wave picking would simply be a method where a group of orders is released to the warehouse for picking and the next group (wave) is not released until the first wave has processed through the pick area. See article on Order Picking. Warehouse Control System software used to control automated systems such as sortation systems, ASRS, AGVs, and carousells in the warehouse. A WCS may also have functionality similar to a WMS just as some WMSs have WCS functionality. Warehouse management system computer software designed specifically for managing the movement and storage of materials throughout the warehouse. WMS functionality is generally broken down into the following three operations: Putaway, Replenishment, and Picking. The key to these systems is the logic to direct these operations to specific locations based on user defined criteria. WMSs are often set up to integrate with data-collection systems. Read my article on Warehouse Management Systems. Smoothing factor also called a smoothing constant, a smoothing factor is a number between zero and one (0.01, 0.02. 0.99) that is used to weight the most recent periods demand against the forecast for that period to produce the next periods forecast in an exponential smoothing calculation. See article on Exponential smoothing. WCS Warehouse control system (see separate listing) Weighted moving average forecasting method similar to a moving average, however different weights can be applied to the historical periods (the weights must add up to 1). Each previous periods demand is multiplied by the respective weight, then the results are added up to get your forecast. So where a four-period moving average used the same weight for all periods ( 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1), a weighted moving average allows a variety of weights to be used, provided they total 1. For example, 0.15 for the first period, 0.20 the second, 0.30 the third, and 0.35 the fourth (0.15 0.20 0.30 0.35 1). Weighted out Describes a condition where the weight capacity of a trailer or container has been met. The term weighted out is most likely used when you have met the weight capacity of the trailer or container but still have physical space left in the trailer or container. Also see Cubed out. Wire-guided term used to describe vehicles that use a wire embedded in the floor to guide the vehicles. Wire guidance systems are frequently used with order selectors and turret trucks in very narrow aisle applications. They are also used with automated guided vehicles. WMS Warehouse management system (see separate listing) Work-in-process (WIP) generally describes inventory that is currently being processed in an operation, or inventory that has been processed through one operation and are awaiting another operation. WIP is actually an inventory account that represents the value of materials, labor, and overhead that has been issued to manufacturing but has not yet produced a stockable item. Depending on how your accounting and inventory systems are set up, it may also include components picked for production usage or finished products awaiting final inspection. See articles on Work-In-Process (WIP) and Reconciling WIP. Zone picking order picking method where a warehouse is divided into several pick zones, order pickers are assigned to a specific zone and only pick the items in that zone, orders are moved from one zone to the next (usually on conveyor systems) as they are picked (also known as pick-and-pass). See also batch picking, wave picking See article on Order Picking. Zone skipping also called zone jumping, zone skipping is a method of shipping parcels (primarily) or LTL shipments (not as common), where rather than delivering the shipments directly to the carrier, you consolidate shipments going to a region and ship them together as a single larger shipment (typically truckload or LTL for parcels) to get them closer to the delivery point before handing them off to the delivery carrier. For example, if I have a distribution center in New York, I may consolidate all my west coast parcel shipments and put them on a truck to get them across the country, then hand them off to a parcel carrier (USPS, Fedex, UPS) for final delivery. My rate with the parcel carrier will be based on the point where I hand them off to them, therefore Ill pay a lower zone rate to them. copy Copyright. Inhalt auf InventoryOps ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und steht nicht für die Wiederveröffentlichung zur Verfügung. Dave Piasecki. Ist Eigentümer von Inventory Operations Consulting LLC. Ein Beratungsunternehmen, das Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit Bestandsführung, Materialhandling und Lagerbetrieb anbietet. Er hat über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Betriebsführung und kann über seine Website (inventoryops) erreicht werden, wo er zusätzliche relevante Informationen unterhält. My Business Inventory Operations Consulting LLC provides Fast, Affordable, Expert assistance with Inventory Management and Warehouse Operations. BBA Project Reports, BBA Management Reports, BBA Report Sample, BBA Project Topics BBA Project Reports, BBA Management Reports, BBA Report Sample, BBA Project Topics The BBA projects now days are more dynamic, multifaceted, and challenging than ever before in Indian Business Colleges. 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Introduction to Statistics 2 Collection of Data 3 Classification of Data: Frequency Distribution 4. Presentation of Data 5, Measures of Central Tendency 6, Measures of Dispersion PART - C 1. Correlation 2. Regression Analysis 3. Index Numbers 4. Index Numbers - II 5 Time Series Analysis 8211 I 6, Time Series Analysis II 7. Probability 8 Probability Distributions 8211 Binomial and Poisson 9- Probability Distribution 8211 Normal 10 Probability Distribution 8211 Normal 11 Sampling amp Sampling Methods PUNJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH B. B.A 1st Year QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES Paper 8211 IV UNIT I Limits and continuity of functions. Derivatives, Repeated Derivatives, Theory of maxima and minima for single variable. Integration of Algebraic, Logarithmic and Exponential functions, Integration by parts, Integration using partial fraction. Determinants and Matrices. Inverse of a matrix, solution of system of linear equation using Cramer8217s Rule, method of matrix inverse. Gauss Reduction Method. 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It is distinct as: Debt Assets: The numerator of this relation includes all money owing short term as well as long term and the denominator of this ratio is the sum of all assets the balance sheet total. investment calculator project in c 8211 A Free, Safe amp Simplified Tool for Managing Your Money. Try It Now mutual fund calculator 8211 Calculate Returns on Mutual Funds BuySellSwitch Mutual Funds Online online trading account 8211 Accurate Calls only 9999 Per Year Start Your Free Trial Jugaad BBA in Construction Management Projects Construction managers demand in India is a very important sub-group of built environment high paid professionals who contribute in the management of the growth, protection and improvement of our built environment for future. They work at a multiplicity of levels from the construction site and project of builders and govt. works, through the corporate organizations of India in the industry and its clients, to culture as a whole. BBA Construction Management project or course is a ground-breaking project program for educating undergraduate students who just passed 12 th with good marks in the specialized area of management of construction projects. This project would get ready students to be managers in the technical stream of construction and accordingly set of courses is designed to include technology as well as administration related subjects. Acknowledgement Sample for BBA Projects in India As this is your first project work after 12th class so its very important to take a experience and it goes a long way to make a perfect person and gaining a new insight in that field of research. In this rewarding experience, one recognizes the help and support rendered by kind heart behind its success. I would take this opportunity to thank all my teachers, especially Prof. the co-ordinator of Course name. I would like to thank Prof.. . my project guide, who sincerely guided and supported me in doing the project. I would also like to thank the Managers of Company name, who has given me the relevant information on the topic. I would also like to show my gratitude towards my family, friends and all others who have helped and supported me in doing the project. Three BBA projects recognized with IIM India Alliance Grand Jury Awards On 2015 projects that BBA students worked so hard and received Grand Jury Awards from the IIM India Alliance for Greater Noida at their annual event by experts. They are the Business expert hub for Public Policy at IIM University Jobs after BBA Projects in India Graduates who will be completing their graduation (B) in JuneJuly 2015 2. Percentage of Marks required a. 60 and above at SSC i. e. 10th b. 60 and above at XII i. e. 12th or Diploma c. 60 and above in Graduation i. e. average of all semesters till date with No year gap during Graduation Project Management Minor for BBA Students The Project Management Minor provides for Indian students with the Business knowledge and expert skills to manage big projects such as launching a fresh product, service, promotional operation or administration program building, expanding, or relocating business operations or closing facilities and terminate employees. The focal point is not only on the quantitative tools used such a PERT, CPM or capital budgeting but significant general management or soft skills like the ability to lead a team, make decisions, manage conflict and discuss change. Students will study to apply project management techniques to all industry disciplines and not just to the conventional areas of engineering and computer science. BBA Means Business and Marketing and Below Projects Ideas for BBA Topics are coming from the Marketing fields. A STUDY ON INDIAN MARKET POTENTIAL AND SCOPE FOR THE HIGH DEFINITION LED or LCD MONITOR FOR CORPORATES. A STUDY ON wear and tear amp RETENTION MEASURES FOR THE OUTSOURCED SALES strength IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY. A STUDY ON CONSUMER PREFERENCE OF CRUISER BIKES IMPORATED FROM THE ABRAOD IN INDIA. A STUDY ON PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE INVESTMENT assessment TECHNIQUES FOR INVESTMENT assessment. A STUDY ON SCOPE OF ERETAILING AND MANUFACTURING IN INDIA. AS AFTER MAKE IN INDIA THEIR WILL BE LOT OF JOBS IN INDIA MAINLY IN MANUFACTUING SECTORS. A STUDY ON ONLINE PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES SEO SMO SEM IN MUTUAL FUNDS TRENDS AND ISSUES. A STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS HONDA CITY CARS INDIAS NO.1 SEDAN CAR IN MUMBAI DELHI CITY. A STUDY ON INVESTMENT prototype IN COMMODITIES AND ASSOCIATED RISKS A STUDY ON COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN RETAIL INDUSTRY FOR THE SHOPPING MALLS. STUDY ON DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES IN BRAND BUILDING ON THE INTERNET A STUDY ON E COMMERCE CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE OF SHARPS MFD IN THE MARKET A STUDY ON MARKET POTENTIAL OF SME AND CORPORATE SEGMENT A STUDY TO UNDERSTAND COMPLEXITIES AND FRAME A COMPETITIVE STRATEGY TO PERFORM GOOD RISK ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS. A STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CHENNAI CITY A STUDY ON SALES OF IMINT LOYALTY CARDS THROUGH HPCL OUTLETS IN CHENNAI CITY. A STUDY ON DERIVATIVES AND ITS STRATEGIES IN RELIGARE SECURITIES LTD. A STUDY ON DERIVATIVES AS A HEDGING TOOL FOR INSTRUMENTAL PLAN. A STUDY ON MARKETING RESEARCH. A STUDY ON LEAD-LAG RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDIAN SPOT AND FUTURES MARKET. A STUDY ON THE GAME CONSOLE MARKET IN CHENNAI. Study on Internet Marketing Study on Market AssessmentPlanning Study on Market ResearchSurveysFocus Groups Study on New Product DevelopmentDesign Study on Pricing Strategy Study on Revenue Management Study on Sales force Management Study on Advertising and PromotionPR Study on Branding Study on Customer Relationship Mgmt Study on Data MiningData Driven Mktg Study on Direct Marketing Customer Satisfaction Survey Study on Consumer Perception Survey Study on Service Quality Study on Service Blueprinting Study on Service Process Mapping Back stage, on-stage Study on Improving service quality using service blueprinting Study on Competition Analysis Study on Service standards Study on effectiveness of employees role in service delivery Study on Effectiveness of channels (distributors) in service delivery Study on Effectiveness of channels (on-line Internet) in service delivery Study on Customer Data Analysis Study of Institutional markets Study on Effectiveness of promotion schemes Study on measurement of Brand awareness and brand perception Customer Loyalty study Study of purchase influencing factors Study on Customer Profiling Advertising effectiveness study ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION TECHNIQUES USED BY RETAIL BUSINESSES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BIG BAZAAR ADVERTISING STRATEGY OF MAX NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. TO UNDERSTAND THE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF NOKIA BRAND IDENTITY OF LUX PRODUCT STRATEGIES OF PRIVATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES EFFECTIVENESS OF ADVERTISING ON REAL ESTATE SECTOR STUDY ON CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS AND PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS CONSUMER LOANS STUDY ON CREATION OF LUXURY BRAND STRATEGIES USED TO BUILD SUCCESSFUL INTERNET BASED CUSTOMER SERVICES STUDY OF AWARENESS AND ACCEPTABILITY OF UPVC WINDOWS AND DOOR SYSTEMS CHANGING TRENDS IN FMCG INDUSTRY IN INDIA STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY CUSTOMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS INSURANCE PRODUCTS PROMOTION STRATEGIES FOLLOWED IN INSURANCE SECTOR STUDY ON CHANGING CONSUMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS ORGANISED RETAILING FROM UN-ORGANISED RETAILING. STUDY ON 8220IMPACT OF ADVERTISING IN B2B MARKETING8221 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK amp GENERAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY A STUDY ON DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS IN ALUMINUM INDUSTRY STUDY ON STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING RETAILERS8217 BRANDS STUDY OF OPERATIONS amp MARKETING OF CHEMICAL GOODS IN SSI MARKETING IN FMCG SECTOR E-MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVICES: RELATIONSHIP APPROACH UNDERSTANDING CROSS CULTURAL LITERACY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS THE STUDY OF OPERATIONS amp MARKETING OF INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IMPACT OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES AT MALL ON CONSUMERS BEHAVIOUR AT SHOPPING MALLS A STUDY ON INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY MANAGING OF LUXURY BRANDS STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING ADAPTABILITY amp USABILITY OF CONSUMER ELECTRONICS STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR RELATED TO DIFFERENT SOAP BRANDS IN HYDERABAD IMPACT OF SMALL CAR SEGMENT ON TWO-WHEELER INDUSTRY INFLUENCE OF BRANDING ON CONSUMER PURCHASING BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING IN SELECTION OF MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDERS IN HYDERABAD IMPACT OF NANO ON TWO WHEELER INDUSTRY STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF MARKET POTENTIAL OF PVC WINDOWS AND DOORS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS PUBLIC SECTOR AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS ANALYSIS OF SALES PROMOTIONS ABILITY TO PROMPT BRAND MEASURING EFFECTIVENESS OF DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR CHOCOLATE IN RETAIL CHOOSING RETAIL LOCATIONS FOR SHOPPING IN INDIA (RETAIL INDUSTRY) INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (IMC) ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AND ESTABLISHING STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING SPACE CONSUMER PERCEPTION OF M-COMMERCE A STUDY OF CUSTOMER PERCEPTION OF SERVICE QUALITY DIMENSION IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY STUDY ON MEDICAL TOURISM AND GROWTH OF HEALTH CARE SECTOR INNOVATIONS IN MARKETING IN ELECTRONIC AND IT COMPANIES PERCEPTUAL MAPPING OF TWO-WHEELER INDUSTRY STUDY ON PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS ON MUTUAL FUND ADVERTISEMENT CUSTOMER PERCEPTION OF ONLINE PURCHASES IN HYDERABAD IMPACT OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) ON COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY A STUDY ON 8216READY TO EAT8217 FOOD INDUSTRY AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF 8216READY TO EAT8217 A STUDY ON ASSESSING THE FACTORS LEADING TO THE PURCHASE OF BIKES AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF URBAN AND SEMI URBAN BUYING BEHAVIOUR A STUDY ON E-MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVICES: RELATIONSHIP APPROACH CONSUMER8217S PERCEPTION TOWARDS BRANDED JEWELLERY8221 8211 A STUDY THE STUDY OF CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS AYURVEDIC HEALTH SPAS8221 THE STUDY OF CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS AYURVEDIC HEALTH PRODUCTS8221 AN ANALYSIS OF POSSIBLE STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL INTERNET BASED CUSTOMER SERVICES8221 ANALYSING THE SCOPE OF ADVERTISING IN REAL ESTATE SECTOR IN INDIA A STUDY ON THE PERCEPTION OF THE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS TOWARDS ELECTRIC CARS8221 A STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS IN HYDERABAD ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BRANDING ON LUXURY PRODUCTS A STUDY ON CHANGING IMPORTANCE OF VARIOUS MEDIA VEHICLES OF ADVERTISING8221 STUDY OF FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE THE LOCATION OF RETAIL OUTLET8221 A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON CUSTOMER8217S PERCEPTION TOWARDS CREDIT CARDS OFFERED BY NATIONALISED BANKS AND MNC BANKS A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING BANKS AS A CHANNEL FOR SELLING LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS A STUDY OF BUYER BEHAVIOR TOWARDS AFTER-SALES-SERVICE OF ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS8221 STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR RELATED TO DIFFERENT BATHING SOAP BRANDS IN HYDERABAD CUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS FOREIGN RETAILERS ENTERING INDIA8221 A STUDY ON CONSUMER8217S PERCEPTION ON MICRO INSURANCE SCHEMES A STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS SERVICE QUALITY OF INTERNET BANKING8221 A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR WITH REFERENCE TO PREFERENCE OF BRANDS IN CELLULAR PHONES8221 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING IN SELECTION OF MAJOR GSM SERVICE PROVIDERS IN HYDERABAD amp SECUNDERABAD EFFECTS OF NEGATIVE WORD OF MOUTH COMMUNICATION ON BRAND EQUITY8221 A STUDY ON IMPACT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY8221: CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE STUDY OF AWARENESS AND ACCEPTIBILITY OF UPVC WINDOWS AND DOOR SYSTEMS A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF LOYALTY PROGRAMS ON CONSUMER PURCHASE BEHAVIOR AND LOYALTY8221 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS PUBLIC SECTOR AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS STUDY ON CHANGING CONSUMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS ORGANISED RETAILING FROM UN-ORGANISED RETAILING A SURVEY OF MARKET POTENTIAL OF UPVC WINDOWS AND DOORS IN HYDERABADVISAKAPATNAMTIRUPATHI A STUDY ON CONSUMERS8217 PERCEPTION TOWARDS LUXURY CAR SEGMENT8221 STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION OF ORGANIZED RETALING IN INDIA8221 EFFECTIVENESS OF E-CRM IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY BY MOBILE SERVICE8221 A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AND USER PERCEPTION8221 DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR CYCLE BRAND AGARBATHI AT ADFACTORS PR PVT LTD CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ELECTRONIC SECURITY SOLUTIONS, BRAND PERCEPTION OF SAMSUNG A DEALERS SURVEY IN HYEDERABAD Region DISTRIBUTORS PERCEPTION TOWARDS ASM8217S, SALES EXECUTIVES amp THE COCA-COLA COMPANY A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF KARNATAKA AND KERALA CONSUMERS BUYING BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS BRANDED CLOTH IN BANGALORE CITY BUYER8217S BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS IN HOSPITALS AND HOTELS WITH REFERENCE TO THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TAMILIAN amp ANDHARITE CONSUMERS BUYING BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS BRANDED CLOTHES UNDERSTANDING THE QUALITIES amp ATTRIBUTES OF A MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE THROUGH DOCTORS amp MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES COMPARISON BETWEEN SAMSUNG AND OTHER CONSUMER DURABLE BRANDS COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF AIRTEL COMPARED TO OTHER SERICE PROVIDERS POLICY HOLDERS ATTITUDE AND SATISFACTION MARKETING STRATEGY ADOPTED FOR SELLING DIFFERENT MOBILES EFFECTIVE RETAIL DISTRIBUTION IN INSURANCE CUSTOMER PERCEPTION ON MUTUAL FUND CUSTOMER PERCEPTION ON PERFORMANCE OF MUTUAL FUND CUSTOMER PERCEPTION FOR ONLINE TRADING CUSTOMER TASTE AND PREFERENCE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CUSTOMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS PHOTO STUDIO CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR CUSTOMER AWARENESS CUSTOMER PREFERENCE TOWARDS PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES BRAND IMAGE BRAND PREFERENCE COMPARATIVE STUDY ON BRAND LOYALTY CONSUMER PREFRENCE TOWARDS BRANDED AND ASSEMBLED COMPUTERS DEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGIES DISTRIBUTION amp PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES EFFECTIVENESS OF RURAL DISTRIBUTION A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF AFTER SALES SERVICE ANALYSIS OF COMPETITIVE STRENGTH amp MARKET VISIBITLITY OF TATA Post navigation

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